The automated external defibrillators in Valletta are deactivated. Can Dr. Fearne see to their maintenance?

In 2018 our beautiful capital was adorned with six automated external defibrillators (AEDs). These were installed in different areas which are near the Malta Public Transport terminus in Marsamxett close to Cockney’s restaurant one close to Castille hotel one in front of the parliament building one across from the Chemimart pharmacy and one on Old Theatre Street across from the Empire pharmacy.

Two more were in the pipeline – one across Marks & Spencer and the other in Merchants Street.

“AEDs are portable electronic devices that automatically diagnose life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias irregular heartbeats in layman’s terms. Through the application of electricity and defibrillation the heart could be helped into reacquiring the normal rhythm.” They are basically used in situations when people are having a heart attack or had a cardiac arrest or have lost a pulse for any other reason – like when you have the Covid-19 vaccines’ fluid running in your system.

These lifesaving installments were inaugurated back then by the usual minister of health and vaccines Chris Fearne and Parliamentary Secretary for Consumer Protection Deo Debattista who had said that this has turned Valletta into a “Heart Friendly Capital” “through which human lives are being safeguarded.” The initiaitive was aided by the Malta Heart Foundation and the Malta Resuscitation Council.

The government’s plan was to install a number of AEDs across the entire country which has not manifested yet and it is about time that this is done since we should be concerned with the Covid-19 vaccine induced heart attacks after the Maltese masses have submitted themselves to the experimental injection! Better still the government should give one to each vaccinated household together with a free First Aid Course while explaining that this is a thank you gift from the government after they have submitted themselves to the vaccine.

And so it happens that these AEDs in Valletta up to a month ago had all the red light button on which means that they need a service or replacement accessories like a new battery or a new pair of electrode pads. Now they neither have the red nor the green light button on.

Dr Fearne who is in charge to checking these public AEDs which should be checked weekly? Is it the Valletta local council? Mater Dei? Or maybe you can pass by and have a look while you are on your way to Palazzo Castellania?

Who is in charge of these public AEDs? AED Malta was contacted and the reply was that most probably it is the responsibility of the Valletta Local Council.

Dr Fearne after coercing and brainwashing the masses to take the experimental lethal Covid-19 vaccines which might induce any kind of cardiac issue in them don’t you think that these AEDs should now be working properly more than ever?

If this is the responsibility of the local council can the Valletta Local Council see to it?

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