Italians are struggling with nearly 5000 businesses closing their doors.

In Italy the Infocamere-Movimprese data updated to last December 31st reveal a rather sobering fact: in the previous 12 months nearly 5 000 businesses have closed their doors. This was revealed in a recent article dated 23rd February by

These are the tourism and leisure industries which particularly in the last three years have been unable to withstand the pandemic’s impact as well as the increases in the price of energy (+200%) and raw materials. According to the data table 4 339 bars 70 restaurants 259 hotels and 119 dance halls were closed in 2022 alone.

The data which Il Sole 24 Ore published in advance clearly show how the crisis has affected these industries which are still the most affected to this day. The negative trend is immediately apparent when examining the activities documented between 2019 and 2022: the business register has lost 11 214 bars 849 hotels and 233 discos.

Only the restaurant industry is resisting adding 8 444 units (+4%) over the previous three years.

Rereading the statistics of this “slaughter ” concentrating on the registrations one also observes a stall in the industry: 3 810 new bars were registered in 2022 compared to 5 675 three years earlier. 5 463 restaurants were registered in 2022 compared to 7 123 in 2019.

The regions that have lost the most businesses in the analyzed sectors are Sondrio in Lombardy Ferrara and Parma in Emilia and Macerata in the Marches. In terms of bars the latter has the highest percentage of permanently lowered shutters: -23.8% closing only one out of four bars. Only one metropolitan area Rome is affected by the top ten list of all negative trends. Over the course of three years Rome lost more than 2 000 bars (-15.9%) 2.7% of restaurants and 13.7% of its lodging options. The statistics can be seen here:

And while these Italians are struggling the Italian government still has money and aids to give in excess for Ukraine!

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