Satan and Satanism on display at this year’s Grammys Awards: the duo Sam Smith and the transgender singer Kim Petras.

This year’s Grammys Awards has turned into one of the worst shows and awards ever. And if the show itself does not make you sick then its sponsor should as this year it happened to be sponsored and brought to you by Pfizer.

The pop duo Sam Smith and Kim Petras’ performance won a Grammy this year for their song “Unholy” and their performance for the song was dark creepy and for a change satanic. Sam Smith happened to identify himself as non-binary and uses gender neutral pronouns. Kim Petras happened to be the first transgender performer to won the category of the best pop duo group performance for their hit song “Unholy.”

Here are photos from their performance at the Grammys:

Was it done this way on purpose so to create outrage make headlines raise interest and sell records?

Although it has sparked controversy according to youtuber and commentator Lauren Chen this is “not at all controversial within Hollywood” but that Sam Smith did this to upset the American right and Christians everywhere and to virtue signal to his fellow Hollywood members and elitists that he is in the team and wants to be part of the club.

And yet they tell you bluntly whom they worship:

Even though Satanism (this one brought to you by Pfizer) is in our face do those that are in the world understand it? How many people are going to remain incredulous and say that this is nonsense? How many of you are going to say “it’s just a song” or “it’s just a music video” or “it means nothing” or “it’s not that deep” or “it’s just a show”.

These are just some of the excuses I hear from atheists the incredulous and even from lukewarm Christians regarding the celebrities they endorse when they do things like this on national television and call it “art”. Should we cheer them on? Rather than teaching our children to be cautious of what they listen to why don’t we sing along with them in the car? “Unholy” is one of the top songs being played on repeat on our radio stations.

Beyonce sings in one of her songs about using the Bible to soak up her period blood. And yet we refer to her as Queen?

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z:

The world will remain the world. The lost will behave as if they are lost. Those who work in the dark will radiate darkness. This does not surprise me. I’m surprised that people who profess to love the Lord would support this shambles.

It’s more than just a song. It’s more than just a music video. It’s more than just a show. It does have significance. It is that profound. If you don’t raise your children to be connected to God and Jesus Christ and to have a moral compass they

will grow up in the World. Don’t be concerned with being politically correct; instead be morally correct! Only Jesus Christ is the answer.
Ephesians 6:12‭-‬13 says “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”

Make no excuses for supporting darkness because the beat is catchy and the light effects are excellent. Look beyond the talent to see if the symbolism is something you want to collaborate with. Not only that but be proactive in your fight against the darkness. These people can be redeemed as long as they have breath in their lungs. Please pray for their salvation healing and release. Even if the celebrity isn’t taking Satanic imagery seriously it should be avoided.

It’s not a game. Keep praying. Be cautious of what you watch. Be cautious of who you listen to. Be cautious about what you allow in your home. And above all monitor what your children watch read and listen to.

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