Now that the FDA has proposed a one year per Covid jab policy is Dr Fearne of the same opinion that once Europe follows it will be voluntary?

On Monday 23rdJanuary the U.S. health regulator that is the FDA  has proposed “one dose of the latest updated COVID-19 shot annually for healthy adults similar to the influenza immunization campaign as it aims to simplify the country’s COVID-vaccine strategy[1]”.

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also asked its panel of external advisers to consider the usage of two COVID vaccine shots a year for some young children older adults and persons with compromised immunity. The regulator proposed the need for routine selection of variants for updating the vaccine similar to the way strains for flu vaccines are changed annually in briefing documents ahead of a meeting of its panel on Thursday.”
The FDA believes that annual immunization schedules will result in less complicated vaccine deployment and fewer vaccine administration errors resulting in higher vaccine coverage rates.

Every fall season the Biden administration also plans a vaccine booster campaign. For what? Didn’t they tell us that we won’t get Covid if we have these vaccinations? Why is there a need for one every fall season?

“If the panel votes in favor of the proposal Pfizer Inc (PFE.N)and Moderna Inc’s (MRNA.O)bivalent vaccines which target both the Omicron and the original variants would be used for all COVID vaccine doses and not just as boosters.”

This confirms what I have written and asked in another blog dated March 2022  – “Is the world moving towards a one jab per year policy?[2]”:
“In my opinion Malta is following a world strategy to make the population take a jab once a year. In other words a strategy is being deployed on the public in order to deliberately have the population vaccinated at least once a year ” and “With this one-injection Covid-19 strategy the apps and Digital ID are seen much less intrusive to most people who will gladly go for an annual vaccine just like the flu one to get their Covid-19 app up-to-date for a whole year. In this way the human body becomes like a car which needs to go through an annual government-approved roadworthiness check.”

So now we have to wait and see how will they go about this one jab per year. After the FDA the EMA will follow and then European countries Malta included will have their announcements made.

But I would like to remind the readers and the nation that Dr Fearne is on record during an interview on TV show Topik as also reported by Lovin Malta stating[3]:

“We could end up in a situation that is similar to what we have for influenza where once a year we offer the vaccine for it.

“In that case we have enough doses that if we need to give a vaccine out once a year we can give it voluntarily to whoever wants it ” he said.”
So I guess that Dr Fearne will offer the nation this shot on voluntary basis don’t you think? He said so at the end of the day!

The issue lies whether human basic liberties will become contingent upon consumption of such a product from Big Pharma Inc & Co et al.


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