Are some frontline speakers for the anti-covid vaccine movement being paid by Big Pharma to serve as controlled opposition? (1)

In this blog I am going to question some doctors who according to research are part of controlled opposition which I have already explained in two past blogs.

One of the biggest voices in the current anti-COVID-19 vaccine movement is Dr. Peter McCullough. I was one who gave him credit in one of the blogs[1] for being threatened by the medical board for stripping him of certifications. Yet he is not being threatened with his medical license. This is a big difference because physicians who lose their board certificates but retain their licenses can still practise and collect money from Big Pharma.
In 2020 and 2021 Peter McCullough received over $387 000 in payments from Big Pharma including vaccine companies that manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. This is public information and anyone can verify these figures at Open Payments[2].

Peter McCullough is now promoting his own “treatment protocol” for patients which includes the authorized Pfizer product Paxlovid for emergency use. Paxlovid is a combination of two well-known and very dangerous supposed antivirals nirmatrelvir and ritonavir. Ritonavir has been assigned what is called a Black Box Warning – the highest designation of danger of a drug in humans.

This is a photo of the labelling or package insert for Ritonavir and you can see the physical black box for the drug:

While making people think that he is anti-Covid19 vaccines while coming up with his “covid” protocol under pressure from the truth he removes Merck’s mulnupiravir from his Covid treatment protocol but he has also never denounced his original promotion of the “better” safety profile which is that of the Novavax thus pushing this other bioweapon compared to the other bioweapon poisonous shots. He still calls them vaccines and still pushes the “variant” hoax.

Then there is Dr. Joseph Ladapo the Surgeon General of Florida whom I also tackled in another blog[3]but whom I questioned as to why he still promotes the bioweapon shots to a certain cohort. But he has received a lot of press in the alternative and right wing media for his alleged opposition to the Covid shots. However as Surgeon General he has not only not stopped the bioweapon shots from being distributed in the state of Florida but he also continues to recommend them for certain age groups including pregnant and child-bearing women.

Ladapo also promotes the CDC vaccine schedule and in the most recent round table discussions held in Florida where a group of “experts” got together to talk about the corruption and dangers of the COVID-19 shots several of the doctors on his panel lied to the people of Florida by claiming that every other vaccine including the COVID-19 shots was safe.

Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo earns $437 000 per year which is broken down as follows: the University of Florida College of Medicine announced that Ladapo would be paid a base salary of $262 000 per year as a professor of general internal medicine. According to the employee interchange contract for his services between UF and the Department of Health obtained through a public records request filed by the USA TODAY Network-Florida the DOH contributes $150 000 per year to UF toward that salary.

The state also pays an additional $100 000 per year directly to Ladapo according to DOH spokeswoman Weesam Khoury for a total of $250 000 per year. This is the maximum allowed for that position under the recently approved raises for agency heads by the Florida Legislature.[4]
Clearly Dr. Ladapo is paid by Big Pharma and the same corrupt American government that provided Americans with the COVID-19 bioweapon shots.

America’s Frontline Doctors was founded by Dr Simone Gold (AFLDS). Dr Gold and the work of AFLDS have been invaluable in educating the public about the COVID-19 bioweapons fraud. But funnily the AFLDS board of directors reportedly sued Dr Gold in November 2022 for alleged extravagant spending without the board’s approval. This had been reported by Reinette Senum who has served as a council member and mayor of Nevada City in California. Where was all the money that Dr Gold was spending coming from? On 3rdDecember 2022 Reinette Senum posted another article entitled “America’s Frontline Doctors: All Roads point to Israel: Big Money hidden agendas obfuscation and the many disconcerting ties to AFLDS’ Dr Simone Gold.” Is Dr Gold someone to be trusted with going forward to help bring down the Covid-19 fraud or does she have ulterior motives and political aspirations that would prevent this from occurring?


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