In order to “Recover Together Recover Stronger” the G20 leaders have agreed to impose a digital vaccine passport on the planet to allow you to move freely.

This November saw the G20 leaders meeting for a two-day summit hosted by the Indonesian G20 presidency in Bali under their latest theme with the buzzwords ‘Recover Together Recover Stronger’.

Charles Michel President of the European Council and Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission  represented the EU. The G20 or Group of Twenty is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the EU. In addition to the United States its members are Argentina Australia Brazil Britain Canada China the EU France Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa South Korea and Turkey. But there was also the unelected Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum dictating his instructions to the “elected” leaders of these said countries while calling for “world restructuring”: “What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world. This will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process.”

What were the topics of this G20 summit?[1]They discussed “Food and Energy Security” since they are “deeply concerned by the challenges to global food security exacerbated by current conflicts and tensions” meaning that they are aware that food shortages and an energy crisis are looming and that you will starve and freeze to death.

They discussed “Climate and Biodiversity” whereby they pledged that they would continue embracing the manufactured climate change bullshit so that they can strengthen “the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and its temperature goal” while controlling monitoring and checking on you in their imposition of climate lockdowns. And that they would continue embracing the global depopulation agenda as part of their solution for climate change.

They also discussed “Digital Transformation” which in a nutshell is all about AI and how it will take over the world and labour transhumanism and the digital ID which will be tied to the “Digital Health” identity scheme which leads me to their last topic of discussion: “HEALTH”.

Here they pledged that they would continue to commit to promote “a healthy and sustainable recovery” while welcoming “the establishment of a new financial intermediary fund for pandemic prevention preparedness and response (the “Pandemic Fund”) hosted by the World Bank. This means that they are telling you that another pandemic has been planned for you and is on its way. Moreover we are again seeing how the banks governments and WEF collude together to come up with more agendas for humanity.

They also “recognized that the extensive COVID-19 immunisation is a global public good” meaning that they acknowledge the experimental deadly Covid-19 vaccines and that they will advance their effort “to ensure timely equitable and universal access to safe affordable quality and effective vaccines”. This means that more “safe and effective” vaccines are either in the making or on their way and that the cattle will keep on being poisoned. And most importantly they “reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen global health governance [that is global health governing control] with the leading and coordination role of WHO and support from other international organisations” which as proudly announced in a press release happened to be the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.

What does this mean? This means that the G20 countries have called for vaccine passports on all future international travel are promoting them for a future pandemic response have agreed to them and are committed to these being standardised and facilitated by the WHO while promoting digital identity schemes.

Here is what the Indonesian health minister said during this summit in Bali:
“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO if you have been vaccinated or tested properly then you can move around. So for the next pandemic instead of stopping the movement of the people 100% which blocks the economy globally you can still provide some movement of the people.”

And at the end they pledged to help nations “recover together recover stronger” so as to support “strong sustainable balanced and inclusive growth” declaring that they will remain committed to a “human-centred inclusive fair sustainable approach that leads to greater social justice decent work and social protection for all” as long as you comply take the vaccine be tagged like cattle while being gifted with a vaccine passport so they allow you to travel and move around freely.

The above-mentioned titillating G20 declaration contains far more than a pledge to create an international injection Auschwitz. Purple prose about “ sustainable development,” “digital transformation, ” “interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies” for cross-border payments and many other tasty multipolar morsels can be found within its pages.

All of this is on top of the world leaders’ agreement to cattle-tag the planet.

While happy with such projects they had a lot of fun at their dress-down gala dinner enjoying their smiles and laughter and conversations free from the mask but surrounded by mask-wearing employees.


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