Back in 2019 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of “Health” Chris Fearne was so disappointed that Malta had fallen 10 places on the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI) and he blamed this on the fact that the island still does not offer abortion services. Oh wait? Didn’t he say that he was not aware up till Prudente’s arrival in Malta that Malta does not have exceptions for abortion?
The EHCI is another framed set up highly praised by Ursula Von der Leyen’s European Commission for being “the most accurate and reliable comparison of public health among European Countries.” So it happened that in 2019 they come up with a tightened scoring criteria so to make it more challenging for countries.
And it happened jaħasra that Malta placed 27th out of 35 countries with 631 points which classified it as ‘red’ country in the report.
Excuse me wasn’t Malta praised for its response during Covid-19 and how it successfully led the morbidly obedient herd to reach herd immunity?
And excuse me wasn’t Malta hailed by the WHO for its ‘new’ system of cancer care whose care was also given a ‘green’ point in the same report?
Shouldn’t these be enough to make Malta earn a good rank? And maybe with some effort from the same “Health” minister to mandate healthy eating and exercise to the nation Malta would hit the top!
And since I remind the public that Fearne has been elected to the board of the One Health Global Leaders Group which advises international health organisations such as the Bill Gates’ funded WHO and the Bill Gates’ funded UN and its Food and Agriculture Organisation I am sure he would pass on a good word for the country and nation he claims to have at heart to this “highly-esteemed group” and “international scientific community” from the back seat of the checkered lodges of Big Pharma Inc & Co et al.
But no! Instead of blaming obesity and the fact that our healthcare systems which he should be improving have become worse over the time (which is also proven by the same report of the EHCI so it is not me who is stating this) the mouthpiece of health and safety blames abortion even though the same report does not conclude this!
“The ECHI report states that there is decent accessibility in Malta but the country didn’t score too well on treatment results.Also it pointed out that
there seem to be gaps in the public subsidy system of Maltese healthcare.” As for the first part the endless waiting list for tax-paying citizens to be treated should be looked at. As for the second part gaps? Whose pockets are being filled with these gaps?
“It also mentioned that this was particularly prominent for drug subsidies stating Malta has little data on drug use.” Legal or illegal drug use? Maybe they should do a study in Corradino. I learnt a lot of undercover stuff with names and all from Caritas’ residents who I loved because they deserve mercy and not sacrifice and who I salute. Drugs in Malta are not a matter of waiting in a hiding place in the dark until you have the white package delivered. All one has to do is just walk down certain prominent lanes go to certain known places with some being even in residential areas and ask. Courier service is also provided to you so that you can find the white packets posted in your letter box. Back to EHCI and Fearne.
“This survey places a lot of emphasis on abortion services which Malta does not have and therefore we were placed further down”said the oracle from Castellania in its plea to “Apriti Sesamo” for abortion.
“TVMreached out to Minister of Health Chris Fearne for his comments on the report. ‘We went back ten places since we do not offer the termination of pregnancies’ he said. ‘We have more children with serious medical problems… and that puts us behind.’” And now he wants to make the nation believe that his government is not opening the door for the termination of pregnancies! We live in a world based on promises and statements constructed by liars.
“The scores are based on the principle that free legally defined abortion should be available for women in any country. The report raises alarm that Malta along with Cyprus and Poland have legal bans on abortion. It mentions that these bans “do not prevent abortions but rather turn them into a major health risk forcing women to go abroad or having an abortion under obscure insecure conditions.”
“For this reason Malta was given a unique ‘purple score’ (of 0 points) when it came to weighing the abortion measure.“
“The report shows that Malta was given a ‘red’ rating for concern over suicide rates cigarette sales per capita high percentages of caesarean section births percentages of hospital-acquired strains being resistant and for no online accessibility to hospital services.”
And yet even though on the whole the official report is a clear message that the Castellania Chieftain should be concerned with the nation’s suicide rates cigarette sales per capita high percentage of caesarean section births percentages of hospital-acquired strains being resistant and for no online accessibility to hospital services Ali Baba’s “Apriti Sesamo” for abortion keeps echoing in the walls of Castille the city’s assemblage and Palazzo Castellania.