Pfizer has partnered with Marvel comics.
The Daily Mail’s article entitled “Your friendly neighborhood PFIZER-MAN: US pharma giant partners with Marvel to create a comic that urges people to get their Covid vaccine and be an ‘everyday here’”[1] of October 6th talks about the fact that Pfizer and Marvel have collaborated to create a comic book to encourage people to get their Covid booster vaccines and be an “everyday hero”.
This publicity stunt comes amid a sluggish autumn jab rollout with less than one in every twenty eligible Americans receiving their Omicron-specific shot.
Pfizer is also pushing for approval of its new bivalent booster vaccine for children aged five to eleven.
This comic’s plot revolves around a grandfather waiting for his vaccination at a clinic that is attacked by the Avengers villain Ultron. Covid which is constantly mutating into new strains is represented by Ultron a maniacal robot that constantly evolves and returns stronger.
Captain America arrives on the scene and is nearly defeated before Iron Man arrives with a brand-new cannon that blasts Ultron into the sky representing Pfizer’s new jab.
The grandfather informs the reader that even superheroes must continue to ‘adapt’ in order to combat Ultron — a clear reference to the updated vaccines.
Pfizer stated that the comic book was created to encourage people to ‘protect themselves‘ by ‘staying up to date’ with their Covid vaccinations.
This comic came as officials urge Americans over the age of 50 to get their second booster shots. Up till the publication of this article only 7.6 million Americans had received the new bivalent vaccine which they sell as more effective against the dominant Omicron subvariants.
‘When Ultron wreaks havoc the Avengers act as the first line of defense ’ said Pfizer on the publication of the book.
‘People can help protect themselves by staying up to date with Covid vaccinations.’
It is unclear how much Pfizer paid for the advertisement while the comic can be viewed on the Marvel website.