The World Economic Forum the vocal outlet of the Elite puts forth the agenda of microchipping the children.

The tagging of children is also part of the plan.

And who do you think is pointing at this? The World Economic Forum “the world elites’ most vocal outlet”[1]. On 16thAugust of this year a blogpost on the Forum’s website entitled “Augmented tech can change the way we live but only with the right support and vision” now archived(it was archived three days after its publishing date) explores not only the prediction that chip implants will eventually become just a commodity via the future of augmented reality (AR) in an “augmented society” but also explores the possibility of chipping and tagging the children.[2]

This blogpost makes the case that implanting chips into children could be viewed as a “solid rational” decision by parents. It also sells it to you via the fact that “many children expect to develop superpowers themselves” like the superheroes that have dominated both the big and small screens.
And they keep on colouring their marketing tactics with the following scenario:

“Many children with attention deficit struggle in school. In the best case they get special education services or classroom accommodations. However with extra visual and audio guidance that blocks off excess stimuli an otherwise-enabled child can cope with a standard school environment. And when class is over and playtime begins they can just take the aids off.”

How about bringing about a radical change in the purposefully set up and ideologically indoctrinated guerrilla armies also known as schools? The issue is not with those poor children who are labelled as being “attention deficit”! The issue is with the schools which do not cater for the free spirits that children truly are!

The emphasis as in many of the WEF’s other perspectives on the future of various types of technology is on inserting the “right ” that is its own “vision ” in the direction these should be developing with the inevitable mention of undefined society stakeholders who will hold the key to the ethics issue of it all.

The article extols the ostensibly broad utility of augmented reality in fields such as healthcare education and professional settings with the overarching goal of providing guidelines for how to “ethically” regulate – and thus ultimately control – this vast potential power.

The article describes AR and similar technologies as transformative but they require “the right support vision and audacity.” Why is audacity being thrown in unless it’s a euphemism for selling some pretty outrageous “visions” expressed by the WEF such as replacing drugs with brain implants that will manipulate the body with electrical pulses and pairing all sorts of chips implanted in humans through surgery with sensors found in a chair.
As a result of the “seamless integration” of the human and the chair the Davos-based group promises that overall quality of life will improve.

The blog post also reads:
“As scary as chip implants may sound they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma.”

“They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise implants will evolve into a commodity.”

However opponents of these trends claim that their opposition is motivated by serious concerns about civil rights privacy and the very concept of human autonomy.


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