Particles of various shapes and sizes of unknown origin were found in the blood of the vaccinated in a medical study.

Three Italian surgeons Franco Giovannini Riccardo Benzi Cipelli and Gianpaolo Pisano have studied blood from 1 006 people who developed symptoms after receiving a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna mRNA injection and discovered that 94 percent of them had “aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unknown origin” one month later.[1]

Erythrocytes are a type of red blood cell that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

In their study which they authored and which was published on 12th August in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research (IJVTPR) they discussed and concluded that: “What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling grapheneoxide and possibly other metallic compounds … have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines.’”

They also stated that their results are very similar to the findings of Korean doctors Young Mi Lee Sunyoung Park and Ki-Yeob Jeon called “Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines ”[2]but that their 1 006 subjects represent “a much larger sample.”

“It could be claimed that except for our innovative application of dark-field microscopy to mark the foreign metal-like objects in the blood of mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna we have replicated the blood work of the Korean doctors with a much larger sample ” the Italian surgeons wrote.

The Italian surgeons wrote:

“It could be claimed that except for our innovative application of dark-field microscopy to mark the foreign metal-like objects in the blood of mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna we have replicated the blood work of the Korean doctors with a much larger sample.”

““Our findings however are bolstered by their parallel analysis of the fluids in vials of the mRNA concoctions alongside centrifuged plasma samples from the cases they studied intensively ” they added.”

Since only 58 of the 1 0006 cases studied had a completely normal hematological picture according to microscopic analysis more research is needed to determine the precise nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify potential solutions to the problems they are clearly causing.
Numerous studies were cited to support the researchers’ findings including the “well-known” tendency of fibrin to cluster vascular toxicity of the spike protein and other negative effects.

After choosing four cases and examining their pre- and post-vaccination health statuses while displaying dark field microscopic images they wrote:
“We assert unequivocally that the 4 cases described in this series are representative of the 948 cases in which extraordinarily anomalous structures and substances were found.”

“In conclusion such abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience. The sudden transition usually at the time of a second mRNA injection from a state of perfect normalcy to a pathological one with accompanying hemolysis visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures some of them appearing as graphene-family super-structures is unprecedented. Such phenomena have never been seen before after any ‘vaccination’ of the past ” the researchers stated.

“In our experience as clinicians these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional ‘vaccines’ and their manufacturers need in our opinions to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.”

“In our collective experience and in our shared professional opinion the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow especially at the level of the capillaries ” the authors wrote. “As far as we know such self-aggregation phenomena have only been documented after the COVID-19 mRNA injections were first authorized then mandated in some countries.”


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