The mockingbird leftist media of the woke is at promoting the LGBTIQ+ agenda again. On 12thSeptember Newsbook reported that “Malta needs to develop a new pronoun for non-binary people – Matth Chircop”.[1]
During Saturday’s Andrew Azzopardi show on 103 activists from the LGBTIQ+ community Matth Chircop Mario Gerada and Joseanne Peregin discussed whether being a member of the LGBTIQ+ community has a cost. According to Matth Chircop a transgender and non-binary person Malta should consider developing a new pronoun for non-binary people.
Chircop explained how difficult it is for them to find a pronoun in Maltese that correctly refers to their gender. While the pronoun “they” serves this purpose well in English the Maltese translation does not.
He added that “now is the time to start discussing the introduction of new pronouns derived from the Maltese language itself” and “Languages must evolve with time. This dialogue has barely started.”
In July HR expert Heather Talamante joined Colton Shone to discuss proper pronoun usage in the workplace on the program KOB4 Mornings in New Mexico stating that navigating such pronoun usage can be tough but being aware of it is important to maintain respect between co-workers.[2]The discussion revolved what is called DEI for Diversity Equity (and) Inclusion. According to Talamante this will work out by the employee reaching out and saying:
“Hey this is my preferred pronoun this is how I would like to be addressed in the workplace.”
She adds that we must go about it by respecting and honouring their request and if the person hasn’t decided what pronoun they would like to use we must let them come around to that decision.
Well this is not what has happened at Halifax bank which has suffered an exodus of customers “after social media manager told them to leave if they don’t like staff sharing pronouns on badges.”[3]
This happened when this bank posted a badge of an employee called Gemma which read ‘she/her/hers’ and added that “Pronouns matter” in what is being branded as one of the biggest PR disasters in British business history.
“One customer replied: ‘There’s no ambiguity about the name “Gemma”. It’s a female person’s name. In other words it’s pathetic virtue signalling and is seen as such by almost everyone who has responded to the initial tweet. Why are you trying to alienate people?’ Within 20 minutes a member of the Halifax social media team calling himself Andy M replied: ‘If you disagree with our values you’re welcome to close your account’.
Andy M’s response has outraged customers and seen hundreds claiming they will boycott the bank with many saying they have closed their accounts.”
In August the British The Timesreported that in a new theatrical play at the Globe Joan Of Arc “will be portrayed as a gender-neutral character in a new play at the home of Shakespeare in London in a radical departure from the usual depiction of the historic figure.
Audiences for “I Joan” will hear Joan use the pronouns “they” and “them”.”[4]
“Gendered language” for professions has also been banned in New York:
In Ireland a Christian teacher Mr. Burke who refused to use a student’s “they/them” pronouns has been imprisoned in Mountjoy Prison. Burke said that he would not call a boy a girl and that transgenderism is against his Christian belief and contrary to the ethos of the Church of Ireland and his school.
Referring to his suspension Mr. Burke said: “It is extraordinary and reprehensible that someone’s religious beliefs on this matter could ever be taken as grounds for an allegation of misconduct.
My religious beliefs are not misconduct. They are not gross misconduct. They never will be. They are dear to me. I will never deny them and never betray them and I will never bow to an order that would require me to do so. It is just not possible for me to do that.”
As reported by the Daily Mail[5]:
“Burke was initially suspended on the day before the start of the fall term over his refusal to address a male student who demanded that others refer to him with “they/them” neo-pronouns.
Other examples of neo-pronouns include “xi/xer ” and “bun/bunself.” A new trend on TikTok has transgender and persons who identify as “non-binary” demanding that others respect their animal-identifying pronouns including “frog/frogself.”
Frog/frogself pronouns— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 4 2022
And this is a screenshot of the Italian minister for Innovation and Digital Transition Vittorio Colao writing (He/Him) next to his name on the Italian government website.
Then we have the US and Maltese Delegations working together on human rights during the UN LGBTI Core Group:
And with our government now planning to finance gender re-assignment surgeries for free [with another lump sum of money from the EU?]:
And yet they claim they aren’t shoving all this down our throats…