In Switzerland an advert urges people to report neighbours who heat their homes more than 19 degrees

In one of the Swiss cantons a poster is in circulation inviting citizens to report their neighbours anonymously on a given phone number in case the apartment is being heated above 19 degrees. The Swiss are being forbidden to raise the air temperature in private homes above 19 degrees so as to save themselves others and the planet from the energy crisis.

The poster says:
“Heizt der nachbar die wohnung uber 19 grad auf?
Bitte informieren sie uns +41 58 462 55 11″
“200 Franken Bel Ohnung.”
“Does the neighbour heat the apartment over 19 degrees?
Please inform us on +41 58 462 55 11
200 francs reward”.

The “us vs them” strategy continues.
The “let’s do this together” strategy continues.
The “Build Back Better” together plan/agenda continues.
Because they want us to turn against each other.
Because the devil’s oldest trick is that of divide and conquer.

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