Gazprom not only announced an indefinite shutdown of pipeline to Germany but it has published a sinister video showing Europe freezing after the Globalists have ordered Russia to switch off gas supplies.

It is not only grievous enough that Europe is being kept on edge over soaring energy prices but on the 31stof August we read that:
“Russian energy giant Gazprom on Wednesday cuts off its gas supplies to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for maintenance work further raising tensions on an already taut electricity market.”

Apparently the Russian state-owned oil and gas company Gazprom declared that it has another fault. According to Gazprom the three-day works they had at a compressor station were “necessary ” and must be completed “every 1 000 hours of operation.“[1]

But Germany which relies heavily on Russian gas has accused Moscow of using energy as a “weapon ” because as Federal Network Agency chief Klaus Mueller has stated that experience has shown that Moscow “makes a political decision after every so-called maintenance” and that they will only know at the beginning of September if Russia does it again.

They keep on playing games and blaming Russia while citizens are being thrown back and forth in their ping-pong game. The correct wording would be “Germany has accused the Globalists of using Russia with an agreed plan in order to cut gas supplies to nations so that we bring about the Great Reset”.

And what happened at the beginning of September? Gazprom announced an indefinite shutdown of pipeline to Germany without providing any timeframe for a reopening.[2]

“The move came hours after G7 countries agreed to impose a price cap on Russian oilin an attempt to stem the flow of funds to Vladimir Putin’s regime.

Gazprom said supplies would remain halted indefinitely after a leak was detected. It said the pipeline would not restart until repairs were fully implemented.” What does this imply?

This means that since Nord Stream 1 which is the world’s largest gas pipeline from Russia to Europe with a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas per year is being halted again then the continuous disruption in its supply does not augur well in the prevention of the energy crisis from worsening.

The same Gazprom has just published a video to show what winter will look like for Europe. The sinister taunting intimidating video shows Europe freezing after Russia has switched off gas supplies. In this video Europe is seen in what can be called “a dark winter” or “a long winter” where it is portrayed almost in an “ice age” period[3]:

And here are some biblical quotes I was guided by the Spirit to pass on: “So have no fear of them for nothing is covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be known.” (Matthew 10:26)

“…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of powerand love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

“So we can confidently say ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6)


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