According to Eurostat the excess mortality has hit +16% the highest 2022 value so far.
In another blog I asked whether NSO can [or will be allowed to] give us a statistical image of the mortality rate post-Covid-19 vaccine roll-out. Eurostat has now published the excess mortality in the European member states which has climbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. This was the highest value on record so far in 2022 amounting to around 53 000 additional deaths in July this year compared with the monthly averages for 2016-2019.
The article published on the 16thof September on the Eurostat website entitled “Excess mortality hits +16% highest 2022 value so far”[1] reads:
“Excess mortality(it refers to the number of deaths above what could be observed in ‘normal’ conditions) [well we are not living in normal conditions. We just witnessed a mass vaccination of entire populations] in the EUclimbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. This was the highest value on record so far in 2022 amounting to around 53 000 additional deaths in July this year compared with the monthly averages for 2016-2019. [Do you recall how many articles reporting people who died suddenly and which were published in July did I mention in previous blogs?][2] [3]
This was an unusually high value for this month. The excess mortality rate was +3% in July 2020 (10 000 excess deaths) and +6% in July 2021 (21 000 excess deaths). Based on the available information some of the mortality increase in July 2022 compared to the same month of the past two years may be due to the heatwaves that have affected parts of Europe during the reference period.
This information comes from data on excess mortalitypublished by Eurostat today based on a weekly deaths data collection. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained articles on excess mortalityand weekly deaths.
Excess mortality continued to vary across the EU Member States with eight Member States recording values above the EU average. The highest rates in July 2022 more than double the EU average were recorded in Spain (+37%) and Cyprus (+33%). Greece followed with +31%. Meanwhile only Latvia (-0.5%) registered no excess deaths staying below the monthly averages for 2016-2019.
Several Member States have recorded an increase in excess mortality rate in July 2022compared to the previous month the highest such increases occurred in Greece (+24 percentage points (pp)) Spain (+21 pp) and Italy (+20 pp. The indicator has nevertheless dropped in seven Member States and the largest decreases compared to June were recorded in Latvia (-7 pp) Estonia (-5 pp) and Lithuania (-4 pp).
The EU registered earlier major peaks in excess deaths in April 2020 (+25%) November 2020 (+40%) April 2021 (+21%) and November 2021 (+27%).”
And Malta? This tiny little dotted country is in 7thplace with an excess mortality rate of +26.4%. It seems that the vaccine is working considering that we were the so much praised country for the way we handled the vaccine roll-out and for being the first to have reached herd immunity because of the way that the same Maltese herd flocked to take the vaccine.
Here is the percentage per country:
1. Iceland + 55.8%
2. Spain +36.9%
3. Lichtenstein +35.8%
4. Cyprus +32.9%
5. Greece +31.2%
6. Portugal +28.8%
7. Malta +26.4%
8. Switzerland +25.9%
9. Italy +24.9%
10. Austria +17.5%
11. Slovenia +16.5%
12. Ireland +16.3%
13. Germany +15.2%
14. Norway +14.8%
15. Netherlands +14.7%
16. Croatia +14.6%
17. France +14.1%
18. Estonia +12.3%
19. Luxemburg +11.5%
20. Denmark +10.3%
21. Finland +9.4
22. Slovakia +7.7%
23. Poland +5.8%
24. Hungary +4.5%
25. Czechia +4.4%
26. Belgium +4.3%
27. Sweden +2.7%
28. Romania +2.4%
29. Bulgaria +1.4%
30. Lithuania +0.9%
31. Latvia -0.5%
The list can be seen here:
Statistics | Eurostat (
Considering that we had so many lottery numbers broadcasted every noon of every day for two years with a summer break when the virus went on holiday; considering that we had so many press conferences about mandates lockdowns restrictions coercion and ostracization of the non-vaccinated can Profs Gauci and Dr Fearne go in front of the screen with another press conference and update the Maltese nation about such statistics and what is causing this high excess mortality rate in Malta?
[2]Numerous articles by the mainstream media about sudden and mysterious deaths are being published after the Covid19 vaccine roll out – part 1 (
[3]Numerous articles by the mainstream media about sudden and mysterious deaths are being published after the Covid19 vaccine roll out – part 2. (