The media and the climate change agenda

In its press release the WHO had predicted that “Globally between 2030 and 2050 climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year. It is estimated that the direct damage costs to health will be US$ 2–4 billion a year by 2030.”

The media is also picking up on this. The Sun reported that “How the weather is harming your health – from heart attacks to stroke and gout”[1]while the Daily Mail’s article stated “Entirely new kind of ‘highly reactive’ chemical is found in Earth’s atmosphere – and it could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases and contributing to global warming scientists claim.[2]”

Express adds that due to hot weather dehydration could lead to blood clots. According to Professor Mark Whiteley dehydration could result in deep vein thrombosis due to blood clotting.[3]

According to the Telegraph our blood thickens and then clots because of extreme heat in their archived article “Your blood thickens and then clots: what extreme heat can do to your body”.[4]The name of this article was changed three days later to “What extreme heat can do to your body – and how to stay safe.”[5]

According to New Scientist “Solar storms may cause up to 5500 heart-related deaths in a given year”.[6]According to the article “In an approximate 11-year cycle the sun blasts out charged particles and magnetised plasma that can distort Earth’s magnetic field which may disrupt our body clock and ultimately affect the heart.”

According to Vice scientists are studying temperature at which humans spontaneously die with increasing urgency.[7]This is the so-called “wet bulb” temperature which according to a study published last year entitled “The emergence of heat and humidity too severe for human tolerance”[8]  can lead to human deaths.

“Wet bulb temperature is the point at which humidity and heat hit a point where evaporation due to sweat no longer works to cool a person. The human body Horton’s study found is essentially unable to withstand wet bulb conditions at all once temperatures hit 95 degrees F. Under these conditions it’s possible for otherwise healthy people to die.”

“Even if they’re in perfect health even if they’re sitting in the shade even if they’re wearing clothes that make it easy in principle to sweat even if they have an endless supply of water.”


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