The government has started the first steps to drive the Maltese nation to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda.

In two blogs I have put forth information as to how global governments are driving nations to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda.[1][2]

I had even pointed to the fact [and I quote from my blogs] that Spanish civil servants are being told to lower their AC usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the existing electric grid; the Spanish government has told civil servants that during the summertime office air conditioning should be set no lower than 27 Celsius while in the winter heating will be set at no more than 19C; lights will also be turned off earlier in public buildings; and that the Italians were told to limit air conditioning in schools and public offices to no lower than 25C.

And now our local government is also taking up similar measures to drive the Maltese nation to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda[3][4]by imposing on all government and public sector organizations to adhere to a minimum cooling temperature for air conditioning of 24 degrees Celsius and a maximum heating temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. Hospitals have been exempted.

TOM reports that these new measures are due to the fact that the cost of energy is increasing globally. But what does Malta have to do with this? Didn’t Prime Minister Abela pledge that Malta will keep electricity bills stable even though gas prices are soaring back in February 2022?[5]
In an interview on ONE radio Abela had stated:

“I will honour this commitment to keep energy prices stable which shows how important it is to be focused and plan ahead.”

Back in October of 2021 he had also insisted in parliament “that the government will protect the economy from rising energy prices in the same way as it had protected it from the fallout of COVID-19.”[6]

The government has been subsidizing energy and fuel which is expected to significantly exceed the €200 million buffer that Finance Minister Clyde Caruana set aside in the previous budget so Maltese consumers do not feel the full impact of higher electricity costs. And before we thank the government one must remember the economical strategy of the governments:: if it moves they tax it; if it keeps moving they regulate it; and if it stops moving they subsidize it. Therefore the act of subsidizing is coming from the result of the movement: taxation.

MaltaToday reported that Malta was successful in negotiating a waiver from the EU’s 15% mandated gas reduction target which will prevent supply interruptions.

The Energy Ministry’s regulations [but which the spokesperson for the ministry called “guidelines”] also stipulate that all façade lighting on public structures and monuments must be turned off in the late evening hours; switching off idle appliances and replacing old lighting and other electrical systems with low energy solutions.

So since we have our energy bills stable why is the government still introducing these measures? According to MaltaToday “the government is embarking on effective energy saving measures to mitigate the higher cost on public coffers.”

According to a spokesperson for the Energy Ministry they are being introduced in order “to contain energy costs and mitigate the impacts of the ongoing climate and energy emergencies.”  [meaning Malta must obey the Global Agenda and be part of the climate change hoax.]

All European countries slaves to the EU are obeying the same Capo and imposing measures [soon to be laws] with the excuse to combat these rising energy costs and heat.

The problem created by the Elite was climate change. One of the reaction created was the use of ACs. One of the solutions given now is to turn off the ACs. Can you see the game being played? And before conclusions are jumped about me I do not have ACs in my home and I avoid it as much as possible in other places as it makes me quite unwell with dry eyes and a sore throat.

The spokesperson is already hinting that these measures will have to be applied for everyone that is private companies and households. She stated:
“ We want everyone to embrace responsible energy consumption as we work to ease the impact of the current high electricity production costs.  [meaning the government is bankrupt] More importantly the public sector is leading by example[meaning we started from the public sector so that then we can impose on the rest of the nation] and encouraging everyone to focus on our environmental targets and the attainment of our long-term decarbonisation obligations. We also note that the private sector is also embarking on similar actionsthrough different ESG commitments.”
She added that any move towards increased energy efficiency by the government businesses and at home will have a “multitude of benefits for all” including a lower carbon footprint improved air quality affordable energy costs and increased economic competitiveness.

This means that you will all have to carry a carbon footprint tracker on your digital wallet. This means that soon these measures will be turned into law to which you have to abide to. This means that our government has started the first steps to drive the Maltese nation to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda.


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