How the governments are driving nations to a monitored carbon score system via the climate change agenda (part 2).

German Minister Robert Habeck has warned that the government may enforce energy-saving ideas by law if needed.[1]He stated that the nation cannot enter the fall with only 60% of its natural gas supplies so Germans may need to have laws enforcing energy-saving measures which would include having control over the thermostat in their house.

A region of France has prohibited outdoor public events as a record-breaking heatwave spread throughout Europe. Large public events like concerts have been postponed in the Gironde department near Bordeaux.[2]

In a now archived and retracted article by Forbes [3]we read that with a decision in 2021 and implementation in April 2022 the French government has become the first major economy to outlaw short-haul flights where a rail or bus alternative of two and a half hours or less is available. The restriction is an effort to lessen the nation’s carbon emissions caused by air travel; according to The Guardian this may eliminate 12% of domestic flights in France. The affected flights are those from Paris the nation’s capital to destinations like Bordeaux Nantes or Lyon.

Similar environmental incentives are being implemented by other EU nations to cut down on carbon emissions related to domestic travel. For instance the Austrian government included a similar requirement while bailing out Austrian Airlines mandating the elimination of domestic flights whenever a shorter alternative train journey—say between Vienna and Salzburg—is feasible.

Controlling people’s movement and restricting their freedom is a key part of the Absolute Zero and Great Reset agenda.

With the excuse to save energy and end reliance on Russian gas Italians were told to limit air conditioning in schools and public offices to no lower than 25C in what is called “operation thermostat” an energy rationing scheme.[4]“Though it is not yet law the government’s environment and business committee has approved this amendment to Italy’s Energy Decree.” What if such “schemes” turn into “law” with others to follow?

According to Finland’s grid operator grocery stores may need to alternately close for many hours at a time this winter in order to save electricity. Finnish households will also be instructed to reduce their use due to anticipated fuel shortages. The grid operator claims that if electricity is rationed in a certain location the roughly 2 800 grocery stores in Finland will have to agree on who will close and who will remain open. According to YLE this form of arrangement is crucial in rural areas to prevent the sudden closure of all the businesses in a single town or village.[5]

E-cargo bikes are to replace thousands of van deliveries in London. Amazon is deploying a fleet of e-cargo bikes and a crew of on-foot delivery personnel. As part of its attempts to reduce its carbon emissions Amazon wants to build more similar delivery centres throughout the UK this year.[6]
So far the Maltese government has not come up with any measure like the ones being taken by foreign governments because the government here bypasses the sudden implementation of measures via schemes and funding. Minister for the Economy Silvio Schembri has announced that €20 million in funds have been launched to help businesses make the renovation of buildings more energy efficient. All projects under these funds must be completed by December 2025.[7]

And while the global business elites and leaders gathered at Davos for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting to lecture working class people on carbon emissions they did so via their own private jets and tail backs of gas guzzling luxury cars.

(25) World’s elite arrive in Davos in private jets and luxury cars to lecture you about climate change – YouTube
[4]Italians banned from overusing air con in a bid to save energy and end reliance on Russian gas | Euronews

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