Evartist Bartolo confirms the Great Reset agenda that this site has been repeating and publishing in various blogs since 2020.

Ex-minister Evarist Bartolo has confirmed what this site has been repeating and publishing in various blogs since 2020 – that the world is heading for the Great Financial Reset and in order to bring this about the world must go through difficult and hard times.[1]Is the stormy sea in Gwida’s front photo the tsunami that Dr. Fearne had proudly announced won’t reach our shores?

In his statements he said: [with my comments in italics]

Qed jiżdiedu l-mexxejja madwar id-dinja li qed jippreparaw lill-poplu tagħhom għaż-żminijiet iebsa li ġejjin quddiemna”
[There are more and more leaders around the world who are repeating their people for the hard times ahead.]

Il-poplu tagħhom? Their people? No the people do not belong to the leaders. It is the leaders who belong to the people. Leaders should have been warning the people from the start of Covid-19 like this site has been doing that if they swallow the Covid-19 propaganda it will then become the seed for the Great Reset which is why now we have the hard times ahead of us. Leaders should have never accepted to be part of this diabolical pact!

“Qed jgħidulhom ċar u tond li żmien l-abbundanza spiċċa u issa jridu jlestu għas-sagrifiċċji. Isemmu l-effetti ekonomiċi tal-Covid il-kriżi tal-klima u l-gwerra tar-Russja kontra l-Ukrajna… bejnietom dawn it-tliet problemi kbar qed iġibu ħafna tbatija: għoli tal-ħajja skarsezzi u tnaqqis fil-ħolqien tax-xoghol u tal-ġid li jwassal għal tnaqqis fid-dħul tal-gvernijiet u jkollhom inqas x’jonfqu fuq l-edukazzjoni is-servizzi soċjali u s-saħħa…”
[“They are telling them clearly that the phase of abundance is over and now they must prepare for sacrifices. They mention the economic effects of Covid the climate crisis and Russia’s war against Ukraine … between themselves these three big problems are causing a lot of suffering: high cost of living shortages and a reduction in the creation of work and wealth which leads to a reduction in the governments’ income thus spending less on education social services and health…”]

Exactly this is the Great Reset. What Evarist should clarify is that these three factors have all been pre-planned. It is no-coincidence that the minute we were told that Covid is in its exit roadmap the war started. There is no climate crisis but just an agenda part of the “Problem-Reaction-Solution” way of doing things by the Globalist. The political pawns just execute. And why are sacrifices being asked from the people? Don’t some do them already with barely making ends meet? Shouldn’t this task be put upon the wealthy billionaires the Globalist Elite and all those who became rich by tax evasion or stealing from the nation’s wealth which should by the sacrosanct natural law of equity belong to all via equal distribution?

“Żgur li l-mexxejja mhux jieħdu gost ikollhom iwasslu dawn il-messaġġi u żgur mhux qed jagħmluha biex ixerrdu d-dlam u jaqtgħu qalb in-nies. Qed ikunu sinċiera u realistiċi dwar dak li kull pajjiz u poplu qed jiffaċċja. Kull mexxej żgur jieħu gost iqassam u jwassal aħbarijiet sbieħ.”
[Surely the leaders do not enjoy having to deliver these messages and they are certainly not doing it to spread negativity and break people’s hearts. They are being sincere and realistic about what every country and people are facing. Surely every leader enjoys sharing and conveying good news.]

“Government should be of the people by the people for the people. What part of that do politicians and government bureaucrats not understand? Government has no right to keep secrets from the people. The people are paying for it. It’s THEIR government. They have a right to know everything going on. (Wayne Allyn Root)” Now nations are paying for the fact that their “sincere” leaders frightened them with Covid allowed the herds to think that the lethal vaccines will bring them back to normality and kept the Great Reset and its agenda a secret. Sincerity my foot!

“Imma l-fibra ta’ mexxej tidher meta jkollu jitkellem onest dwar żminijiet diffiċli. Dan huwa l-mument bħal dawk u huwa ta’ test għal kull mexxej daqskemm hu żmien ta’ prova għal kull poplu u pajjiż dwar kif se jiffaċċja iżjed maltemp jibqa’ jbaħħar u joħrog minnu.”
[But the strength of a leader is seen when he must speak honestly about difficult times. This is one of such moments and it is a test for every leader as much as it is a time of trial for every people and country on how it will face more storms keep plugging and emerge out of it.]

This strength belongs to the people because they are being driven into all this without their consent. People must not look to political leaders but to themselves. Leaders are mere imperfect individuals pawn of the Globalist Elite the WHO and the WEF. “The strength of the nation will be the strength of the spirit of the whole people” – Michael Collins. “A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit [to others]. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit. (John Wooden)” Will the leaders accept the blame of being the executors of all this because they were afraid to stand up for the people in front of the masterminds of such a plan?

And now that the Maltese nation is hearing this from the horse’s mouth it has the proof that this site neither publishes fake fabricated and exaggerated news nor conspiracy theories.  This site is on the people’s side and it wants to show them that we are truly going through the most important battle in human history. Only by being armed with truth and embracing it with an ounce of love we can unite and watch our flag ascend.


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