We have been and are in an ongoing war because most wars are never openly declared upon the public

Henrik:  Welcome friends. This is Henrik and you are listening to Red Ice Creations Radio. You will find us online at redicecreations.com. Drop by and check out our news and our archival of radio interviews. We also got new flash MP3 players with our three latest radio shows for everyone who wants to screen these programs. We’ve also got a few tunes there that you can listen to while you surf the site so look for the big old radio on the left hand side of the site to access our new player.

Today, we have Alan Watt back with us for his monthly visit and we are going to kick off this show speaking about the microchip, so stay tuned. Important stuff coming up.

All right. Now let’s get this show going. Well folks, we are just in between the Saturnalia festivities and the upcoming New Year celebration and we’re very glad to have Alan Watt with us on the line and we are doing our third show I guess together with Alan and we’re very honored to have him here again with us. When we spoke last time we just got into mentioning the introduction of the implantable microchip and I’d love to kind of follow-up on that today. Basically, pick up where we last left off but of course before we get to do that let me just welcome you back, Alan, to the program and thank you for spending some time with us during these holy day seasons here.

Alan:  Yes. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Henrik:  Awesome, awesome. So to continue our talk from last month, what would you say, Alan, is the clear sign that the shipping of the global populous so to speak is upcoming?

Alan:  What we’re actually seeing in the newspapers I think authorized columns or writings on this very topic. In fact, last week, about a week ago, there was an article written in the “Toronto Star” and I read it in one of my blurbs. It’s up on my site and they went through the step-by-step process of this inevitability of brain chipping the public and how it will be implemented, starting of course with prisoners and then of course the welfare people, that’s traditional, and then working their way up and up and up. That coincided with another blurb which I read off a website in England which is in the forefront of this whole idea with Professor Warwick from England. He’s the front man that’s been chosen to push this stuff because it’s quite comical. He’s pretending that he’s on the cutting edge of technology with implants in his arm that interfaces with his neurons, his nervous system, and yet they were doing those experiments in England in the 1950s, so this is old stuff. His propaganda spiel is put out there to familiarize us with the idea and to make us think it’s still rather harmless and primitive. That’s what he’s doing because they’re so far ahead of that.

In fact, the article in the “Toronto Star” talks about the fact that they could put a chip right into your brain which will enable computers to interface with you. What’s interesting too is Sweden has been on the cutting edge of that for the last 25 years.

Henrik:  Yes, yes so I’ve heard.

Alan:  They were using prisoners. I don’t know what they give them in return for this but they were interfacing them with computers and this was in the international newspapers as long ago as 15 years ago. Old stuff really and they have to get the whole population under total surveillance and ultimately under total control for what they describe at the top as world peace.

Henrik:  Do you think we have – if we are to interpret you know the globalists – I don’t know what we should call them here, but their plans. Do they have a deadline you think?

Alan:  I’m certain they’ll have a deadline because everything that they do – if you look back into the British Foreign Policy from the 1700s onwards, they worked plans to do with continents in India and Africa and even expanding the Commonwealth. They had certain aspects of it down for 50 year plans for one country, 100 year plans for another and you find that same technique transferred into the United Nations where they have plans to takeover the entire water supply within 60 years, 100 for the food of the world as they go through the United Nations. They’ll be no private farming as we know it and the UN has said on their own site that they will dispense the food to each country and we better keep the populations down because they will not give us extra should a population increase. This is where it’s all going but it’s all worked out in 5, 10, 15, 100 year plans and we saw the same thing in the Soviet regime and the same thing in Communist China is still ongoing. The plans that are happening today, the things we see manifest today were planned at huge board meetings before you and I were even born.

Henrik:  Amazing. You know it feels like concerning the – again I’ve mentioned this many times on this program now, but the thing regarding the increased environmental threat and this seems to be a the moment at least a perfect justification to kind of implement all of the surveillance including the chipping of course of the population and also I guess a global taxation and stuff like this and can you see this emerge also in regards to [inaudible]?

Alan:  That’s right. You see for major changes you either have a full-scale war. War traditionally has been primarily for change. That’s one of the secondary purposes of war, apart from profit, and you’ll find Professor Carroll Quigley and others who are right up there as advisers to presidents at times, Professor Carroll Quigley said that the main purpose of war is to change the social structure of society. He said you can do more in five years of war than 50 years of peace on a social scale. When you understand this is an ongoing war regardless, most wars are never openly declared upon the public. They’re simply carried out but under a threat – a threat from another nation, a threat from outer space, from the solar system, from the sun itself, whatever it happens to be they can then push us into this long-term plan to get us into habitat areas, no private property and ultimately a society which will serve the state willingly. They’ve written lots of books about this at university level and higher and it’s no secret that’s always been the long-term agenda.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]


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