The POP movement for which Laurence Gonzi had given an interview about climate change

The POP movement stands for “Protect our Planet.”

Its mission, as per its website, is to address climate change.

“To engage billions of young people in addressing climate change, empowering them to become sustainable thinkers in any profession. It is crucial to connect youth associations, organizations, and individuals on a platform where they can share efforts, mobilize collective action, and exchange knowledge to tackle climate challenges together” – it says.

“Empowering them to become sustainable thinkers?” Are we being turned into biodegradable material now? All this fuzzy language from yet another movement, which, by pure coincidence, is in lockstep with the climate change agenda of the United Nations? You don’t have to be a historian or a political scientist or a super high intelligent walking human to see the dick foreign policy theory at work here. This whole world has a manhood and womanhood problem. Big manhood and womanhood problem. You can even tell from the language they use. Language always gives them away. We have to pretend that their language they are using, is really English. Doesn’t seem like it to me. People add extra words when they want to sound more important than they really are. This foundation does it, just like all the others do.

“Empowering them to become sustainable thinkers” – sounds like another bullshit sentence to me which is full of things that piss me off.

Because when they know that it’s bullshit, they then declare war. Oh these foundations and the politicians are always declaring war on things. War on crime, war on pandemics, war on litter, war on drugs, and war on the climate. We need to do something because the climate is changing, the weather is messed up, and we are living in a doom and gloom end of the world times. And you know what? It’s all your fault, folks. It’s all your fault.

So, from war on the climate and the weather, now the war is on you, folks. Yes, on you. You and the human-induced climate change. It’s your fault. So now you need to do something to save the planet.

Hashtag “savetheplanet.” I do hashtag “bullshit.”

Hashtag “the Elite and the corporate swine and the politicians stealing millions each” – that’s what climate change is all about.

Here’s more hashtag bullshit from this POP movement:

“Climate change poses increasing risks over time, directly affecting the youth (ages 10-24), who make up nearly 25% of the global population and have a vital stake in the future. The POP Movement aims to empower young people to actively address climate issues.”

Of course they target the youth – so to make sure that they continue to brainwash the young so to keep the future generations trapped in their totalitarian technocratic sysem of meaningless, mindless, arrogant, elitist, racist, white well-to-do male businessmen who have created such a system so that they engage themselves primarily in a game to make deals to carve this world up a little finer among themselves. I am really getting tired of these political corporate swine and pin-headed pricks who have been screwing the working people for so long in this world, that these are the kind of decisions that they are left to make – we need to save the planet, and we need to tackle the climate crisis.

And of course, the POP movement happened to be founded by other selected unelected agents and frontmen that need to keep the game going, as they throw the ball from one hole to the next in the mindless game of course in their green, stretches of golf lands:

“Co-founded by Late. Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, a key figure in bringing climate change to the international agenda and led the Nobel Peace Laureate Organization, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as Vice-Chairman for five years and as Chairman for thirteen years, and his son Dr. Ash Pachauri, a public health expert and inspirational leader, the movement is dedicated to youth engagement in climate action.”

Oh get a life, will you?

But you know what, folks? Their system is beginning to collapse, and everything is slowly breaking down.

And I am enjoying this chaos and disorder which they have planned and are trying to push through their foundations, like this POP movement, which by the way, is also in collaboration with World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF) and CHP – Center for Human Progress. A trinity of chaos and agendas to bring more totalitarian control on the working people is what this is all about. But their chaos and disorder is fundamental – not because they help me in my writing profession, but because it has become a hobby for me to go through their chaos and disorder so to filter, with a gifted, high spiritual intelligence, their bullshit. I’m an entropy fan. What’s entropy you might ask? Well entropy is lack of order and a gradual decline into disorder. When they tell you that in nature all systems are breaking down, I think ‘What a good thing! Perhaps I can make some small contribution in this area myself.’ And of course it’s not just in nature. In this world – everything is beginning to collapse.

You watch. Everything is beginning to collapse and come apart at the edges and the seams and this also entails making these websites of these bullshit foundations more fun for me to filter! Meaning – these foundations will become for us more entertaining. Yeah. Entertainment, it’s all they are.

See, I’m not one of those people who’s worried about everything. You get people like these around you and the world is full of them now. People walking around all day long, every minute of the day, worried about everything. Worried about the air. Worried about the water. Worried about the soil. Worried about saving endangered species. Worried about the climate. Let me tell you about the climate, all right? This is one more arrogant attempt by the Elite to control nature and you. It’s arrogant meddling which is what is getting us in trouble in the first place. Do the Elite understand that? Interfering with the weather? Meddling with the weather? No, they don’t. They think they are gods.

And we also forget that there’s a natural side of it. Irrespective of our behaviour, the climate naturally goes through changes. Let the weather change gracefully. Leave nature alone.

We are so self-important. Everybody must save something now. Save the trees. Save the bees. Save the whales. Save the snails. And the greatest arrogance of all, save the planet. What? Are these fucking people kidding me? Save the planet? We don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We haven’t learned how to care for one another yet. And we are going to save the planet? I’m getting tired of this shit.

I’m tired of all this shit – hashtag “savetheplanet.” I do hashtag “bullshit.”

Self-righteous environmentalists. These white bourgeois liberals who think the thing we are called to do in the world is save the planet, save the climate. Oh sod off, will you!

Please note, that these self-righteous environmentalists don’t give a damn about the planet. Not in the abstracts they don’t. Do you know what they are interested in? A clean place to live in – their own habitat – drowning in money. They think that one day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced – narrow unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The people are fucked. Big difference.

I’m going to repeat that, folks. The planet is fine. The people are fucked.

Compared to the people, the planet has been doing great. We’ve been here for thousands of years. The planet has been here for billion of years. And we’ve only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over 200 years. 200 years versus four and a half billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow we are a threat? That somehow we are going to put in jeopardy this beautiful planet? The planet has been through a lot worse than us. It’s been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drifts, solar flares, sunspots, magnetic storms, worldwide fires, worldwide floods, tidal waves, ice ages, you mention it and the planet has been through all this. And we think that some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference?

The planet isn’t going anywhere. We are. We’re going away. Pack your shit folks, we’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace either. Thank God for that. The planet will remain here and we will be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet will shake us all off like a bad case of fleas.

The planet will be here long and longer after we’ve gone. And it will heal itself. It will cleanse itself because that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover. The earth will be renewed.

There is no climate crisis. We have an Elite problem. We have a crisis in deranged world controllers who are control freaks and want to control you. Because for them, you don’t have a right to be free and live in freedom. No. You are their slave. So, you see, they want to make you fearful that the world is ending if we don’t do something with the climate, so that they offer you the solution. Do not react.

This is their Ordo Ab Chao.

Do not react folks.

If you were the planet, what will you do to defend yourself against this pesty, troublesome species called arrogant Elite humans and their obedient masses; their agents and movements like the POP movement for which political leeches like Laurence Gonzi gave an interview so that you save the planet from the big, fat lie of “human-induced climate change”?

hasthtag “savetheplanet.” hashtag “savetheclimate.” hashtag “climatecrisis.”

I do hashtag “bullshit.”

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