The People to Avoid for a Healthier & Successful You

If you are seeking change within and change in your life, it is highly important that you surround yourself with people that won’t drag you down. Avoid the trolls. Go for the few but of quality that will uplift you.

The following are the types of people that you need to avoid, at all costs.

The first category is that of the Wheelbarrow People. These are people who waste your time and drain your energy. These people would expect you to do everything for them. Their interests are the only ones they have in mind, not yours. They think you should be the one to handle their issues. The “wheelbarrow” has the horrible quality of requiring laborious pushing before it will move, even after you have laboriously loaded it. Wheelbarrow people consume your energy, your time, and your resources.

All these types of people, actually, describe one type of people – narcissists.

The second category is that of the Mosquito People. This group of individuals just wants to take pleasure in draining your life and replacing it with poison. They never add value to others; they are just benefit seekers. Mosquito people are unworthy of anything nice, but they are constantly looking to others for kindness. One awful thing about “mosquitos” is that they only sing in your vicinity when they feel like sucking your blood and infecting you with malaria. People that are like mosquitoes will only compliment you when they stand to gain anything from you; otherwise, they will bite and stab you in the back.

The third category is that of the Scaffolding People, people who are glory seekers and takers. They would want to rule your life as gods only because they had occasionally benefited you. They want to be in charge of you all the time and set the course for your life. They will want you to constantly be under their control rather than being free to shine on your own. The fact that “Scaffolding” is useful, albeit only temporarily, is one of its advantages. It is risky to have it around for extended periods of time. It’s important for you to recognize when someone’s attempts to support you have become an annoyance to your own advancement. And all you have to do then is get rid of them right away; else, your star won’t shine at all.

The fourth category is that of the Crocodile People, people who are nothing but pretenders. They are not pursuing you because they are nice people or because they have divine purposes. They only come near to knowing your secrets, and at the least provocation or argument, they might turn whatever personal information they have about you against you. Not pretenders, crocodile people are liars, betrayers, gossips, and twaddlers. Crocodile people would act as though they were trying to win your sympathy so they might later attack you.

The fifth category are the Chameleon People, people who are envious and full of jealousy. They are unhealthily competitive with you all the time. They put on the act of traveling in the same direction as you, but their true goal is to subtly track your life’s journey while harboring malicious and unfavorable intents. They develop competitive envy toward you because they are jealous of your accomplishment. Friends that are chameleons will never encourage you or acknowledge your accomplishments, but will only draw attention to your failures and errors. They will stop at nothing to undermine your ideas, disrupt your efforts, and crush your ambitions.

The sixth category encompasses the Naysayer People. These individuals are dream killers. Your dreams won’t be valued by them, and they won’t ever offer their support. They will provide you a list of 1001 impossibilities for your dream. They won’t be able to notice your efforts, but they will constantly take advantage of your mistakes. They’ll never perceive your cup as half-full, only half-empty. They would be busy making you new issues while you were working on solutions. They deplete hope and kill desire. They will neither respect nor encourage your dream since they are dreamless.

In the seventh category, we find the Garbage Pusher People. These people are the worst. They don’t have anything good to offer. Their lives are cluttered with filth, rubbish, and debris. They bring unpleasant and unfavorable news. They are information carriers and disseminators who discourage and demoralize people. Whenever they come up, it’s a sign they have something bad to say. They are dealers of bad luck and unfavorable trends. Trash Pusher Individuals are invariably the first to tweet, post, and broadcast offensive, regrettable, unprofitable, and tragic information.

It is entirely up to you to look at your life and determine for yourself what kinds of individuals you are surrounded by. When you separate yourself from negative individuals and surround yourself with positive people, you will see how your life will start to go in the correct direction.


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