The Pact for the Future: Reforming the Financial Architecture

In order to “support countries equitably during systemic shocks and make the financial system more stable,” the most recent draft of the Pact for the Future also specifies specific reforms that need to be made to the “international financial architecture.”

Specifically, Section 82 states that the “growing frequency and intensity of global economic shocks” has slowed down progress on the completion of the UN SDGs. The solution, according to the Pact, is to “recognize the role of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in strengthening the global financial safety net in a world prone to systemic shocks.”

Since SDRs are regarded as “foreign exchange reserve assets” rather than as money, IMF member countries are able to swap SDRs for any other currency they may possess. It’s interesting to note that independent researcher James Corbett issued a warning in 2013 regarding the possibility of the SDRs turning into a “world reserve currency.”

It is evident from the Pact for the Future that SDRs will be crucial to the reform of the global financial system. The draft states: “We welcome the pledges to rechannel over $100 billion worth of SDRs to developing countries while stressing the urgency of delivering on these pledges to developing countries as rapidly as possible.”

The draft also notes that the UN will call on nations to “continue to explore options to voluntarily rechannel at least half of SDRs from the 2021 allocation, including through multilateral development banks, while respecting relevant legal frameworks and preserving the reserve asset character of Special Drawing Rights.”

The draft also includes encouraging the International Monetary Fund to “explore all options to continue to strengthen the global financial safety net” to help developing nations respond to “macroeconomic shocks.” Under “Action 55,” it states, “We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture so that it can meet the challenge of climate change.”

The Multilateral Development Banks are mentioned once more in the Pact, which urges these organisations to support poor nations in their efforts to combat climate change by increasing “the availability, accessibility, and impact of climate finance to developing countries.”

The necessity for these banks to “mobilise additional financing” in order to enable “adaptation and deploy and develop renewable and energy efficiency technologies” is mentioned numerous times in the draft.

These “Multilateral Development Banks” are mentioned multiple times in the text, and it is obvious that they will play a significant role in the UN 2.0 framework. Future reports from The Last American Vagabond will examine these institutions.

Basically, the international bankers with a capital I and a capital B, will be in collusion to bring forth the agendas.

The stated objective of restructuring the global financial system to finance Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is similar to previous remarks made by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who referenced the infamous 1944 Bretton Woods international accord in calling for a “new Bretton Woods moment.” In addition to establishing guidelines for monetary relations between sovereign states, the Breton Woods summit mandated that each country ensure that its currencies could be converted into US dollars.

According to Guterres, the IMF allocated $650 billion in SDRs in 2022, of which 160 billion went to the countries of the European Union and only 34 billion to the countries of Africa. The huge amount of money that is funnelled to secure that agendas are rolled out on the people for enslavement, amazes me. The political Zionists, in their eternal quest to accumulate as much wealth as possible, prefer to disperse such wealth to mould people into useable objects so that they can continue to further accumulate wealth, instead of using it to make the world a better place for everyone.

But here comes a UN document on the Summit of the Future, titled  What Would it Deliver?, calling for “A Global Financial System That Works For All”. The joke of the century. It works for them, and for their benefit, not for the people. But under a one world government of the new world order, everything must encompass streamlined globality:

“A transformed international financial architecture is fit for purpose, more inclusive, just, representative, effective, and resilient, responsive to the world today rather than as it looked following the Second World War. This architecture invests up-front in SDGs, climate action, and future generations.”

These appeals are reminiscent to those made at the June 2023 “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact” in Paris, France. As part of the ongoing push towards the 2030 Agenda and Net Zero targets, 50 heads of state, as well as leaders from NGOs and civil society organisations, gathered at the summit chaired by French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss efforts to reset the international financial system – said the manager partner who worked for a Rothschild bank.

The goal of the meeting, according to the French government, is to “build a new contract between [the global] North and South,” which will better prepare the countries to combat poverty and climate change. US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva were present during the event. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations, among others, provided assistance for the summit’s organisation in addition to heads of state. The screwing organizations and foundations set up to screw nations.

It is evident from these earlier UN pronouncements and the Pact for the Future that a reset of the financial system is an essential part of their agenda. Since this pact was signed by the traitors in parliament, we need to act and put our energy into the creation of alternative, parallel systems which can compete with the Technocratic State directly.

Any one who can assist is very welcome to contact this site so that we come together to create this parallel system.

We move humanity forward and vertically, not backward and horizontally.

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