The offering of thanks to God (I)

“The life of thanksgiving makes you earn favour with God.

I’ll give you four points in the levels of thanksgiving.

Number one: the lowest level of thanksgiving is giving thanks to God for such as miracles, gifts, pleasures, wordly success, riches and easiness of life. Sometimes however, we do not even thank God for these things. That is the lowest level of being a thankful person. You thank God when He gives you money. You thank God when He makes you succeed in whatever you do in life. You only thank Him when He gives you. That is the lowest level of being a thankful person. That’s the lowest. That’s the least. Don’t stay there. You need to climb up. Okay? Because that is good but it’s not good enough. We need to elevate ourselves in the spiritual life. We need to be closer and closer to the Lord. I cannot remain all my life at a kindergarten level. I need to move on. I can’t remain a baby, always. The Lord Jesus wants men for His kingdom. Even if you’re a woman. But He wants you to be a man. But not like those who do those changes. Don’t be that at all please. But you need to be a man – meaning, be strong! Be strong! Don’t be weak. ‘Oh please God, please God, I beg you I need to buy a car. Can you help me?’ Some people go to pray and ask God to help them to win lotto. ‘Can you give me the numbers please in my dream? At least come to my dream and give me the numbers but I want them to be the winning numbers, please.’ What are you doing? The lowest level of thanksgiving is when you thank God when He gives you. And sometimes God gives you, but you don’t even thank Him for it. That’s bad.

wrong.The second level, number two: the higher level of thanksgiving is giving thanks to God for the little and simple things in life as well, such as, life itself, recovery from a cold, good health, our Christian roots, etc, etc, etc. This is a higher level. You thank Him for the small things, not the big things. He gave me a Ferrari, I should thank Him. But no. Thank God for life itself and for your health. We always say this. We never appreciate things until we lose them. We never appreciate things until we lose them. To go and plant one tooth in my mouth here in Sydney, to plant one tooth, it could cost me, I don’t know, I could be wrong, but it could cost me easily around 5000 dollars. Maybe more. One tooth. God gave us 32 teeth for free, baby! 32 teeth for free. And I’m still complaining. Imagine you have a mouth with no teeth. Good luck. What are you gonna do? Go and plant 32 teeth in your mouth. You need a big mortgage. Why don’t you thank God? I’m still able to walk. What are we winging and complaining about? I’m still having food on the table. I still have a roof over my head. It doesn’t matter if your house is smaller than the neighbour’s house. It doesn’t matter that your car is cheaper than the neighbour’s car. It does not matter that your clothes are not as expensive as the neighbour’s clothes. It does not matter that your wedding ring was not as expensive as your friend’s wedding ring. It is not about materialistic things. It is about thanking God for everything that He has given you for free.

When I look at a human being, being born in Africa, starving—dying, starving. When I look at a little child that is homeless, living in the street, searching for food in the rubbish. When I see people have nothing, absolutely nothing, then why am I complaining when God has given me everything I need?

When you are a THANKFUL person, you are a CONTENT person. You become content. There is a saying in the Arabic language that says contentment is a treasure that never ends. Contentment is a treasure that never ends or never ceases. When we’re content, I’m on top of the world. I’m the richest man on earth. But if I don’t have contentment, if I have the whole world for me, it’s not enough. It’s not good enough.

We need to thank God, every morning. You wake up, and you are still able to see the light of the day, thank Him for your eyesight. For the eyesight He’s given you. There are so many people that are blind. They will give up everything they have just to regain their eyesight, but they cannot have that privilege. Yet we see the light of the day quite easily but we take it for granted. Thank God for the little things. He will give you big things.

These things are apparent and visible but, very often, taken for granted.”

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