The next step for Lovin Malta and Neil Agius is to promote demons

We have to continue stomaching the nauseatic promotion of the antagonist of heroism, Neil Agius.

The turn is now to solidify what was promoted two years ago – the demon he reveres, or what he calls, a Brazilian sea goddess.

And this is fine for the atheistic media, the modern anathema of Christianity.

But this is what the godjectified faux hero Neil Agius calls spiritual. Well, it is to some extent, because even the dark forces are spiritual. Even Satan is spiritual. But it’s pseudo-spirituality.

Neil Agius fits exactly the role of the godjectified faux hero of the toxic patriarchy selling false spiritual lineage.

From collecting three items of plastic ( bravura kbira) – an environmental cause, to the kaizen hub of demonic practices to deities. Can you see where all this is going?

Thankfully, one can see from some comments that some people understood the deceit.

All this is toxic, dear Maltese nation. Stop being a pathological species in dire need of some sort of ‘hero’ to look up to. Stop hailing this godjectified false hero promoted by the nauseatic Lovin [Hatin] Malta.

The only way out is in, dear readers. You need to saddle your soul and let it ride. You will find the way with blind eyes.

And the only way to be saved, is through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. No one will go to God if it is not done through Him.

Unless Neil Agius returns to Christ, he will just be another Ozymandias, standing in the desert with trunkless legs with his shattered visage sunk deep in the abyss of an ocean that has long run dry in a boundless and bare decaying wreck where nothing remains as the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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