The masses are not being prepared for what is coming (5)

The antichrist spirit uses control, trickery, and deceit to achieve its goals. It is understated, frequently manifesting as an angel of light, and presents what on the surface appears to be sensible and helpful solutions to the world’s issues.

These solutions do, however, have a catch: they come with conditions that eventually lead to increased control, a loss of freedom, and devotion to a system that is fundamentally opposed to God. This spirit transcends the political and economic spheres. It is present in all facets of society. It affects education, entertainment, the media, and even places of worship.

Its influence is seen in the movement toward moral relativism, which holds that truth is pliable and can be shaped to suit one’s preferences as opposed to adhering to the unchanging veracity of God’s word. It is evident in how conventional values are being undermined and how morality and the family are being redefined. All of these changes are a part of a larger plan to subvert the fundamentals of God’s order and install a godless, human-centered society in its place.

The ultimate goal of the antichrist program is worship. Controlling economies, governments, and societies is insufficient for him. He looks for people’s minds and hearts. According to Revelation 13, everyone who lives on earth will be required to worship the beast. The ultimate act of disobedience to God is when people worship the creation rather than the Creator.

The antichrist will claim to be the world’s savior, bringing prosperity, security, and peace. However, it will need total surrender to his control. Nothing occurs by accident. The decisions taken by international leaders, the changes in society standards, and the global events you are seeing are not arbitrary. The dark forces, which are spiritual entities, principalities, and powers coordinating a massive scheme to unite the world under a single, godless government, have an impact on them.

This is why the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12, that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. But against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We are in the midst of a spiritual battle that is intensifying as we approach the end of the age.

The enemy is making every effort to mislead, divide, and destroy because he understands that time is of the essence. This is not the moment to get comfortable. This is the moment to be spiritually aware. We have to be alert to the tricks of the enemy and steadfast in the message of God. Our reaction to this reality as Christ-followers needs to be based in trust, discernment, and alertness. It is our responsibility to recognize the times we live in and the fact that the enemy is actively attempting to create his earthly dominion.

But we must also remember that our hope is not in this world or its systems. Our hope is in the kingdom of Christ, which is eternal and unshakeable.

In Matthew 24:4-5, Christ warned his disciples: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you for many will come in my name, claiming I am the Messiah, and will deceive many.‘ One of the spirit of the antichrist’s main strategies is deception. For this reason, it is crucial that we have a solid foundation in the truth of God’s word, follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and have a close connection with Jesus Christ. Then and only then will we be able to resist the enemy’s schemes. Refusing to give in to the demands of this world is not the only aspect of standing firm in Christ. It entails strengthening the veracity of God’s word within us. We should diligently study the Bible because it is a vital source of heavenly wisdom and instruction, not because it is a religious obligation. The Bible is our weapon in spiritual combat, and we must use it wisely to thwart the enemy’s falsehoods and deceit. God’s word continues to be the unwavering yardstick by which we may distinguish between good and bad in a world where truth is frequently perverted.

In summary, the old demon controlling one world is not a brand-new force. From the beginning of time, the same spirit has been at work, trying to bring all people together under one godless ruler. From the Tower of Babel to Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar. And this spirit has tried to subjugate the earth all through history.

As the globe gets closer to Revelation 13’s fulfillment, we are seeing the acceleration of this plan today. We have to keep in mind that God is still in charge. He has given us the means to persevere during these trying times and has a purpose and plan for His people. Let us be watchful, pious, and devoted to following Christ as we recognize the indications that the time is coming. Remaining steadfast in the truth and knowing that our God is with us and will never abandon us, let’s resist the demands of this world.

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