The masses are not being prepared for what is coming (4)

More than ever before, we are seeing this movement toward a one global authority and control.

With the development of global communication, integrated economies, and technology, the idea of a united globe seems more feasible than ever in our generation. The emergence of the internet, social media, and artificial intelligence has led to the creation of a global village where choices can be coordinated globally and information can flow instantly.

The gradual transition to centralized control has accelerated into a sprint. In addition, there is a historically strong drive for the centralization of financial systems, cashless transactions, and digital identities. Despite their revolutionary nature, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency may potentially be used to monitor and regulate people’s financial activity. As a means of ensuring economic stability, the idea of a universal basic income linked to digital currencies is being considered. But it also gives you more power over where and how you spend your money. Imagine a situation in which your ability to purchase or sell could be limited due to your adherence to particular social standards or legal requirements. This is not implausible.

What was once a slow march towards centralized control has now become a sprint. Moreover, we are seeing an unprecedent push for digital identities, cashless transactions, and the centralization of financial systems. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, while innovative, also have the potential to be used for tracking and controlling individuals’ financial activities. The concept of a universal basic income tied to digital currencies is being discussed as a way to provide economic stability. However, it also opens the door to control over how and where money is spent. Imagine a scenario where your ability to buy or sell could be restricted based on your compliance on certain societal norms or government mandates. This is not far-fetched. It is a direct pathway to the reality described in the Book of Revelation 13. We see these trends converging in ways that align with the prophecies of Revelation 13 where a global government will emerge demanding allegiance and worship from all people. It is a clear route to the world that is detailed in Revelation 13:13. These patterns appear to be coming together in a manner consistent with Revelation 13’s predictions, according to which a world government would arise and demand the loyalty and adoration of every human being.

Revelation 13: 7-8 warns us of a beast that will have authority over every tribe, people, language and nation and that all inhabitants of the earth will worship it. This beast will control buying and selling, dictating who can participate in the economy based on their allegiance to the system.

These changes are not taking place in a vacuum. They are a part of a greater spiritual conflict that is taking place right in front of us. We need to remain alert as the antichristian spirit is working nonstop to set the stage for the grand deception. As believers, we need to recognize the omens of the times and realize that efforts to establish a single global authority are about more than just politics or the economy. They have a strong spirituality. The spirit of the antichrist is the ancient force urging global unification under one ruler. This spirit seeks to supplant God’s order with its own counterfeit, opposing everything that God has created.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:7 the apostle Paul wrote: “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.”

This power of lawlessness is the driving force we see behind the moves towards global governance and control.

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