The higher sciences we are never given access to

Henrik:  By the way, what’s your take on nuclear energy? Is that something do you think we need or do you think that this is one of the most – is there something else behind nuclear energy? Do you think there is something to it at all because it seems to be a very destructive force to kind of get energy basically?

Alan:  It’s destructive. However, I think that they also have plans to use that for space travel if they’re not doing it already, which they probably are, and that may have been the real reason for it in fact but because they have so many higher sciences that we get glimpses of but we’re never given access to create much cheaper energy. Again, when we stop thinking the governments are there to serve us and we look from the other side, the other point of view from the governments – the real world government, it’s already here, from it’s point of view they’re after total control. They’re not going to give you anything that’s free that enables you to be even freer so they’ll never give you any alternative form of energy. Whatever they give us will be under their direct control because they just always be in charge.

Henrik:  You know have we been kind of handed I guess civilization or parts of that I guess is industrialization because is it fair to say then that there is kind of this more occult agenda behind why we at all kind of developed or we were handed industrialization?

Alan:  I have no doubt on that. One of the telling periods of history was in the 1500s. Up until the 1500s in Europe things had always been done by manpower, the horses and horse and carts and all this kind of thing and suddenly for the first time in the Queen Elizabeth I court in England – she was the first openly Rosicrucian Masonic Court in the world. They were openly occultic. They used Kabbalah mixed with Christianity and much more older esoteric material and the main thrust at the time was towards the sciences. For the first time, science took precedence. It’s as though they had woken up and realized they only had 500 years to complete their mission and all this money that was going into research and inventions and again to even greater war machines and technologies.

You could go even further back to a predecessor – a relative of Francis Bacon in the 1500s who also was into all this scientific stuff and you’ll find another Bacon who was – he was a monk in England and he’s the guy who basically developed the cannon. Here’s a holy man who developed more advanced warfare techniques to help Britain build up its empire through the Navy and so there’s a thread of what they call “the underground stream” in the old occultic language, which is a knowledge that is passed down through research, which is always kept quiet to the public because the public are not allowed to share this power. All knowledge is power so you keep power secret, but from the 1500s onwards all of the thrust was towards scientific inventions and money was of no problem at that time right into the 1700s with steam engines. Big money was behind all of this research to get it on the go and they seemed to know exactly where they wanted to go with all of this.

Electricity was not new. They understood electricity even in the 1500s. In fact, you can go back to the days of the Etruscans who built the labyrinths under Rome before Rome existed and the Etruscans used to be called down on special days by the Caesars to put on a display on public holidays and they would call down fire from heaven. That’s what they said so they understood that. They also used to on certain days when there were storms going they’d go into the Temple of Jupiter and the priests would line up together and then lightning rods, long before Benjamin Franklin was given the honor of inventing lightening rods, they would have lightning hits at the top of these towers and transfer the current down in the Statue of Jupiter would light up and those around them their hair would actually stand up with the electrical force.

There’s even records of some of the priests dying when they were holding each other and they touched the idol. Electricity was not new and certainly was understood by the Etruscans who knew how to manipulate it with almost a Tesla technique of flying kites with braided wire coming down from them. That was understood then.

Henrik:  Yes because that’s one of those – as they used to say when Benjamin Franklin – I mean the classical thing I think wasn’t he allegedly he had a kite which is called – we call it or dragon here in Sweden and then you have the key. Didn’t you have a key hanging under the kite?

Alan:  Yes. It’s a Masonic play actually, opening the door of heaven or the lodge. What you’ll find with the higher Masons who work towards this agenda they’re always given the honor of inventing something even when they didn’t. It was an honorary thing they all wanted. Even Thomas Jefferson he was way more into inventions than Franklin especially to do with cryptology and cryptology machines. Very intricate machines which are on display in some museums in the U.S. Very intricate machines almost made like clocks and many, many codes so they understood codes. Thousands of special codes that the public were never given access to.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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