The Global Terrorist Ecosystem

Henrik:  Do you think that they see this coming age as the – I’ve heard this philosophically I guess speaking about the Age of Order and the Age of Reason and even I guess in quotes here enlightenment and is this the kinds of methods they used to implement their version of what order in the universe?

Alan:  Exactly. For the New Agers that were being groomed from the 1800s onwards and people don’t realize it took a long time to even create the hippy era of the 1960s because it started in the 1880s and front men like H.G. Wells were promoting free love through their books in the 1880s and they were paid by the big boys. It’s like getting a locomotive engine started up and moving. It takes maybe a half a century or longer to get it up to speed and then once it’s up to speed they start gradually changing the direction that they want you to go in and so nothing happens spontaneously in this world. If it happens then it was planned that way. Under the guise of global climate change, which they’re causing with their weather manipulation and the U.S. actually had an article in major newspapers this year saying that shortly they would control the weather. They’d own the weather they said. We’ll shortly own the weather and we are seeing it manifest now with the constant spraying worldwide and the use of HAARP on top of that because now they’re making a huge circuit of the earth’s atmosphere and they can direct hurricanes and storms wherever they wish and they can create droughts as well – just as easily. This is old stuff which they’ve signed into treaty – the United Nations in the 1970s – weather manipulation for warfare purposes.

Henrik:  Yes, so what we’re seeing here now I guess them playing out is an essential part of their plan to implement this global [terra] eco system.

Alan:  Yes. They must convince the public worldwide that the public themselves are the cause of it and then they come forth with their radical plans to save us all. Of course that means stripping you of any kind of independence whatsoever in the area of food, clothing, heating, whatever that keeps you independent. They want to be totally in charge of you.

Henrik:  Sure. Just today looking at a Swedish newspaper on the Internet that claimed you have to turn down your heat basically in your house if you and your kids are to survive because everything will be total ruin by 2000 – I don’t know what they say. 200 or something like that but it also feels like they’re not saying like it’s going to be implemented by let’s say five years down the road because if they did that people would you know kind of I guess give up on it and say well it’s too late. Now they give this date like it’s something that will affect your grandchildren or grandchildren’s children, children or something like that so people are still in fear mode but still feel powerless to kind of react in a coherent way to this threat.

Alan:  Primarily because we never are presented with all the facts. In fact we get very little in the way of facts but when you’ve watched and you’ve watched for years a lot of the main players – you see, the real men with power and Professor Carroll Quigley mentions this. Those with power are never elected by the public so they’re not responsible to the public like the Henry Kissinger’s and the advisers. Maurice Strong is a very big one. He’s been working for the Rockefeller Foundation and the United Nations all his life and when you watch where they move this man and what is job is you will get a glimpse of the plan 20 years before you see them implemented.

In the 1980s he was pulled off of the United Nations World Bank for a period of two years and strangely enough they put him in charge of Ontario Hydro which is electrical power for the whole of Ontario, Canada and while he was there he set up the process of privatization and this is stand to. They get the public to build up the public works and then they sell it to peanuts to each other. This is standard. I’ve watched this my whole life in different European countries.

However, Maurice Strong also in the late ’80s was advocating special relief funds and taxation to big corporations to put in massive diesel generators with no explanation given except that in the future they would not be the public power supply as they have come to know it. He knew that back in the 1980s because he was working on that.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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