The future plans from which humanity is being engulfed (4)

The transhumanist agenda is primarily driven by four areas of technology. These include robotics, nanotechnology, gene editing, and artificial intelligence.

One of the areas of technology that is developing the fastest at the moment is artificial intelligence, or AI. The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to build robots that are capable of learning, reasoning, and solving problems—tasks that would typically need human intelligence. The possibility that AI will be applied in ways that will hurt rather than benefit humanity is a serious issue that requires serious thought. AI (Aye Eye) is here to discredit the truth by making you not be able to trust your senses. Fake photos, fake videos, fake people – welcome to the upside down, my dears.

Another essential component of transhumanist goals is gene editing. With the use of this technology, scientists can alter an organism’s DNA, possibly improving desired features and fixing genetic flaws. Bill Gates is among the most well-known proponents of gene editing. Gates has contributed to the funding of studies on gene editing tools like CRISPR, which allow for exact modification of DNA sequences. Gates is interested in gene editing because he believes it has the potential to completely change medicine. Every year, this eerie man gets creepier and creepier. Gene editing proponents seem to believe that their technology could eradicate genetic illnesses and increase agricultural productivity. However, there are significant ethical conundrums associated with the use of gene editing. Concerns about eugenics and inequality arise from the possibility of “designer babies,” in which genetic features are chosen based on the desires of the parents. Furthermore, it is yet unclear how gene editing may affect the human gene pool in the long run. In addition to being dangerous, this method is prohibited by the Bible since God gives children as gifts, not something you can make like expensive handbags.

Psalm 127:3 – “Children are a gift from the Lord; They are a reward from Him.”

Accepting genetic selection challenges the idea that every kid is an original creation of God. It diminishes the intrinsic worth and respect that each person has been given by their creator. The process of freezing human remains at extremely low temperatures in the hopes of resurrecting them in the future when medical technology has advanced enough to treat whatever sickness caused their death is known as cryonics, however it is sometimes confused with cryogenics. Through the use of significant sums of money, individuals and families have developed a small but growing industry around this concept, preserving their loved ones for possible future rebirth.

Have you heard of the self-proclaimed global cryonics leader, the ALCOR Life Extension Foundation? ALCOR is offering a second chance at life for less than a quarter of a million dollars. About 200 persons are cared after by the ALCOR team while they wait to be given another shot. There is a tiny catch: all individuals preserved here have been declared clinically dead. However, that is merely a technicality to ALCOR. According to their best projections, medical technology necessary to restore patients to health and function will be available within 50 to 100 years.

Though many have high hopes, cryonics is a theoretical field that depends on the possibility of future technical developments rather than being a verified science. The body is cooled to a temperature of liquid nitrogen, or less than 196 degrees Celsius, in order to perform cryonics. By stopping all biological activity, this stops deterioration and keeps the body in its exact state at the time of death. The basic premise is that advancements in medical technology will enable the restoration of complete health, the reversal of fatal diseases, and rehabilitation of the harm inflicted by freezing.

While there is no assurance of success, cryonics service providers offer comprehensive documentation and processes aimed at assuring the preservation process is as thorough and damage-free as feasible.

Although ALCOR’s offices are rather basic, there may be the strangest and most uncomfortable object you have ever seen in the center of the building. This consists of a field of stainless steel tanks that are frozen, in stasis, containing the heads and corpses of 170 deceased persons.

There are a number of reasons for the increased interest in cryonics. The idea that death can be avoided or even reversed has been reinforced by scientific and medical advancements that have made formerly unthinkable achievements feasible. This hope, despite the tiny chances, encourages one to try cryonics.

It is concerning not so much that people like Yuval Noah Harari have these opinions as it is because they are powerful figures whose opinions have the potential to affect international law and society. In conversations about artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and humanity’s future, Yuval Noah Harari and others espouse a worldview consistent with Lucifer’s initial goal of becoming like God. This is the AntiChrist mindset that will eventually lead to the events described in Revelation 13. Ideas from authors like Yuval Noah Harari are laying the groundwork for a future where people are turning away from God and raising themselves—and eventually, the AntiChrist—in his place.

There is indeed a plan in motion. It is a plan orchestrated by the Elite, who revere Satan, the god of this world. Ultimately, Satan will be worshipped as god through the AntiChrist. In those end times, Satan will receive what he has always desired. The AntiChrist will represent power, control and worship – everything that Satan desires.

With the establishment of all these centralized control systems, we are heading in that direction. These systems are spiritual in addition to political and economic. They are being employed to bring the globe closer to the moment when the AntiChrist will intervene and seize power due to the extreme centralization of power.

Satan is the invisible hand at work. He is directing events in a way that will ultimately lead to his desired outcome, which is to be worshipped in the future, which is drawing near as long as the world keeps concentrating power and rejecting God’s authority.

Who will you be worshipping?

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