The Elites see themselves as gods whom we are to worship

Henrik:  Amazing and I mean there must be some kind of talk I guess going on at the top that they on some level consider themselves as gods when they have the power to control and manipulate these vast amounts of people who basically worship these people on one level.

Alan:  Yes. They control the whole world, absolutely. That’s heavy enough if you are one of them just to know that fact that you are part of — see what is a god. Let’s breakdown the definition of a deity. A deity is not common so the people are called commoners. They marry in common. They do not have their wives or husbands selected for them, whereas the elite have always had a priesthood and still do who obviously take incredible patience and time to go through genealogies to match them up for specific reasons, so they’re not commoners. Gods are not commoners. Gods have the power of life and death over the populations so they have that through everything that they own including the food supply. They already have that. Gods can create life or forbid it to be born. They can to that scientifically today and create life. They can also mandatorily if they wish to abort they can force it, so under the definition — and again, gods generally in their perfect state would become immortal.

Now in their inner religion, they’ve always believed in reincarnation at the top but not generalized reincarnation. They believe and you’ll find this in the Roman histories too. They wrote probably more about that along with the Greeks. They believe that their spirits are connected with the soul. That’s completion. Body, soul, spirit your first trinity and when the soul was complete with the spirit then you are technically a god and when you died that completed spirit could reincarnate into the same family lineage or see into your grandson or your great grandson. They really believe that. The Romans kept the Lares going — the spirits of the household fires and they would pray to them. They believed they were praying to their own ancestors and they believe they were the reincarnations of their ancestors too.

Henrik:  That’s a very interesting point because I elaborated on this myself quite a bit in regards to why the interbreeding is going on and if a soul is connected to a certain kind of DNA which makes I guess that it attracts a spirit I guess a certain type of DNA then just exactly as you say if they are able to keep the DNA line within a family they basically can have the older spirits I guess or who have passed away like the grandmother or grandfather actually reincarnate again into the line. It’s fascinating.

Alan:  Some of the more higher occultic books they go into this in more detail with their history of it and what they claimed that they were the ones, the rebels that were cast here and when they came they were pure spirit. Pure spirit, perfected spirit. They claim that the commoners were already here and when they came here they formed the first perfect bodies for themselves to inhabit by pure willpower, but when they started to inbreed with the people who lived here already, they have lost certain powers so they had to go back to keeping lineages and back to inbreeding with each other to try and regain those powers.

Henrik:  Do you think that there is any truth to that or is it self-promoting?

Alan:  I know that many of those at the top believe it themselves. You’ll also find for instance in the ceremonies to do with the pharaohs there were Hamites who run Egypt and they themselves, when a pharaoh was dying, they would bring him in to the main sarcophagus, they would lay the son next to him and they performed a ceremony called “the opening of the mouth” ceremony. Very detailed, very long and if the son was absent visiting other areas or “satrapies” they called them that they dominated, they would put the spirit into a statute through the same formula like a holding tank and when the son came back they would then complete it and then the son would be able to carry not only his own spirit, but the complete spirit of his father as well. That’s what they claim gave them such vast knowledge and intelligence.

Henrik:  Very interesting and I’d love to continue on that theme and of course more about Egypt and the pharaohs because I think that’s a very interesting era right there but for now Alan we are basically totally out of time here. But before we finish off, tell folks about your website and about some of your products that you have available there.

Alan:  Yes. Well they can look in to and they’ll see some of the books I’ve got for sale, some CDs with 12-hour shows on them with histories, ancient histories of religions and also some DVDs there. I’m making more right now this winter up there for sale.

Henrik:  Excellent. So it’s cuttingthroughthematrix and Alan again, thank you so much for coming on and I’m looking forward very much to your next month.

Alan:  It’s a pleasure.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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