The ‘do’s’ for how we want humanity to be

They tell us to wear disguises, repress and hide our true feelings, teach us to adapt our personalities to the marketplace, and then they expect healthy functioning. Is that even possible from below a disguise? Can it be any surprise that humans are depressed and act out in hurtful ways when they have been conditioned to distort their truths, bury their feelings, grin and bear it?

If we want humans to act empathically, we have to model it to them as a society.

If we want humans to stop hurting others, we have to support healthy emotional release so that they do not accumulate toxic feelings.

If we want humans to move from their most heartfelt authenticity, we have to stop shaming and shunning their genuine expression.

If we want humans to move from love, we must love them first.

We can’t teach repression and disguise on a society wide level, and then expect loving, compassionate behavior. It’s entirely ridiculous.

An excerpt from ‘Spiritual Graffiti’ by Jeff Brown


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