The Distinction that the Business of Human Relationships needs to take seriously

“What you think of me is irrelevant to me! It is none of my business!” Really? Every time? I understand that this might be a helpful statement in situations where we have no control over how others see us. When we are being judged or shamed by those who are totally reflecting their own issues onto us, it might be especially beneficial. Under those circumstances, it truly doesn’t matter to us how they perceive us.

However, there are also circumstances in which this new age cliche amounts to traditional spiritual bypassing, allowing us to avoid taking responsibility for our deeds. For instance, if you mistreat or disregard a person in your relationship, that person may feel negatively about you and your behaviour. Alternatively, you may treat strangers disrespectfully or rudely, leaving them with a terrible taste in their mouth. If you have the guts to own the relationship between your behaviour and their emotions, then what they think of you IS your business in those situations.

So let’s restore equilibrium to this meme.

It really doesn’t matter what other people think of you sometimes.

But sometimes, it is solely your responsibility.

We must take this issue seriously because it is important to the business of human connections, as we rise, with both our feet caressing a soiled ground of humanity graffiti.


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