The Designed Design for everything to go as designed by the Designed Design

Alan:  That’s right. You’ll be singled out in a crowd because they also have boom microphones, very advanced, which can pick up your conversations on those cameras up to 200 yards they can pick you up as clear as could be. If you make an off-hand comment or maybe a joke about something, one day a screen is going to pop up and your face is going to be on it and they’ll try to shame you publicly into repentance.

Henrik:  Oh my god! Another thing of course that I think kind of ties into all of his is of course the dumbing down in general of the population but on top of this we have stuff going on of course the general medication of course. Beyond that we have the food issue and of course we have stuff like fluoride and aspartame which allegedly affects both your judgments and also of course your ability to kind of connect in a coherent way things that actually are going on around you. Have you heard about this?

Alan:  No doubt on that. In fact, even with the heavy spraying — when they’re spraying heavily and it’s unmistakable when they’re doing it you talk to people and you’ll find they have sticky thinking. They have trouble recollecting and they’ll admit it to you. Even the younger ones they have a hard time thinking through. It’s as though there’s a fog in the brain and so we are being affected by that along with the genetically modified food and along with all the inoculations we’ve been getting. This is all being done by design. And if you were on their side at the top and you looked at this master battle plan for the world you would use all of these techniques to get yourself a docile not too bright population as you go through the major changes.

Henrik:  In some sense — I don’t know who it was who referred to us as “useless eaters.” Was it Kissinger or?

Alan:  Bertrand Russell was one of the first ones to publish it, “useless eaters.”  That was discussed at the big think tanks a hundred odd years ago.

Henrik:  Yeah, yeah and it feels like they’re intensely on one level dumbing everyone down to kind of justify it in their own sick mind I guess that they are doing the right thing because we are incoherent and we can’t adjust to all the things that have to gone on in their New World Order basically?

Alan:  Yes. And when you realize how long in the planning this — you see, here’s the thing. Even atheists have a problem here because they look at the New Testament and in the New Testament you have this very mystical occultic language used in Revelations, the only book where you’re seeing the mystery religion — the language of it — at work openly. It’s written in such an obscure way for the exoteric to understand, but it’s the standard mystery religion based on time because it’s all to do with astronomy and you see the constellations are the best time clock that you have for long-term planning.

You have the ages and of course we saw this when George Bush, Sr. at the start of the first Gulf War said, “I see a New World Order coming into view.” And he said, “it’s all going to the heavenly plan.” Well that’s what he was referring to was the constellations of the Age of Aquarius when they were to push forward with 100 percent of their might towards the completion.

In Revelations, which is revealing and it’s also revelations to reveal, if you look at the definition also it means to re-veil. Why would you give out a meaning you’re veiling the truth from the profane, those who are not too bright to understand. But you can figure it out and in Revelations you have the sequence of the timetable and they could safely say when they wrote that, that at the end no one could buy or sell without the mark of the beast. You see?

Henrik:  Yeah. Do you think that that is the microchip?

Alan:  I have no doubt on it. They knew all that time ago that the power of money  — see, money pays for all research. You direct the course of the world by the grants you give out to scientists. They only go in the direction they’re told to go in. Even when you go off on any tangent, you would starve unless you went the way they told you to do. But they understood thousands of years ago that they could buy all the grain in the world with money and they knew that through experimentation and so on and directing the course of the world they could pull this off by the Age of Aquarius.

Henrik:  You know that’s interesting because it feels like just as you say that they’re also at the same time are able to use the best computers in the world basically at this point which is the human brain and that they have compartmentalized the sciences in such a way that they are able to extract exactly what information they want you from the work and the research that is being done by all these millions of scientists and then they can put together what parts they want you to build a machine or whatever. So it’s very brilliant.

Alan:  Absolutely. And if you’re always using warfare then you’re always in charge of secret warfare testing laboratories too, which are always way ahead of the rest because they have unlimited funding. Therefore it’s not such a big deal when you realize you can plan the future if you already own and you’ve pulled the first con, which is money in itself. To get people to accept money and stop working to exchange things with each other and accept money, you now already dominate the world.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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