The Committee of 300 (part two)

Here is Dr. Coleman’s informative speech:

“The problem is quite simple. Anarchy and chaos prevail in Washington D.C. because the federal government has seized powers to which it is not entitled to and is passing masses of laws that are 100% unconstitutional. And when you get men setting themselves up as greater than the Constitution of the United States you get anarchy and eventually tyranny.

Now I’m paranoid. I’m going to admit to you right up front but let me tell you what the real meaning of the word paranoid is. It is a man or a person who has the ability to link events that seemingly are not connected? That is the true meaning of paranoia or being paranoid. Of course, it has been used by our enemies – the Socialists, the Marxist, the Liberals, the so-called progressives to smear us. How many times haven’t I heard it said of me – that fellow is paranoid. Yes, I’m glad to admit it because I have the ability to connect events that are seemingly unconnected and when you do that, you begin to arrive at the truth. It’s taken me 25 years to come to the conclusions that I have come to. And I want to tell you that one of the biggest things I discovered in my work was the existence of a supranational commitee composed of 300 men I came across this quite by accident when I was serving in Africa in Angola, and I was given a series of documents which were only supposed to be handed in to top level people. They were what we called above the top level of classification of intelligence documents and there I discovered that whilst I thought I was in Africa fighting against the invasion of the Communists, I was in fact fighting to introduce socialist regimes in the black African countries and that I was actually working for a committee called ‘The Committee of 300’ also known in intelligence circles as ‘The Olympians.’

I’ll stop right there and I want to digress for a moment and tell you the world intelligence has been banded around a great deal in the America, in the United States. I’ve seen people writing this and that and the other intelligence newsletter they really have no experience whatsoever. In 1986, I wrote a work called ‘Mind Control, Metaphysics, Extremely Low Frequency Radiation and Weather modifications’ and in that work, July the 8th, 1986, I said that the top level organization, in the United States, was the National Reconnaissance office, far bigger than the CIA and any of the other intelligence agencies. By the way we have about 10 different ones in the United States and I even had the audacity to give the address of this organization. 3 weeks ago, Mr S Donaldson, the gentleman who wears that beautiful TP so effectively; he came on with a program in prime time and he said this is one of the scoops that ABC has ever had. And he told about the National Reconnaissance Organization, the exact same thing that I published 8 years earlier. I tell you this to set the state so that you’ll understand I do have some experience and that I know that of which I speak.

You know, the American people are somewhat like the Irish. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of of the Irish man who got shipwrecked and after many days he was washed up on an island and as he staggered along the beach, some people came out of the trees waving spears, and he said to them: ‘Is there a government here?’ And they said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Well, then I’m against it.’

Liberty is based on individual freedom.

We are individual people. We are not the mass, so disdainfully referred to by Karl Marx and the socialist writers, we objected to a tax of a penny a pound on tea, when King George of the Venetian party of the north. Now, that’s probably the first time you’ve heard that expression. It took me 5 years of digging in the British Museum in London, which I consider to be the finest repositary of knowledge in the world to come up with that name. That was what the party of King George was called and we’ll come to the reason for that. But our colonists said that we’re not going to pay this penny a pound on tea.

Today, we are being driven on our knees by a tyrannical government which is imposing all sorts of taxes upon us, and worse than that, trammeling on and tramping on the Constitution of the United States of America which is the greatest second document in the world next to the Bible. And if we could rebel against the mighty powers of King George III, the most potent force in the world at that time, then ladies and gentlemen, it is time that we rebel against a federal government that is trammeling the Constitution underfoot, every day of the week.

King George III of the Venetian party of the North did more than that. He sent Adam Smith, a servant of the British East India Company to formulate a policy which he called free trade. And by the means of free trade, Adam Smith, the greatly beloved economist of the Marxist, the Socialist and the Liberals, hope to bring the small manufacturers and the industries established by the colonists to their needs. Let me tell you that free trade is piracy. There is no such thing as free trade. We have to reject this constant brainwashing to which we are subjected. Free trade began with Adam Smith and the British East India Company. Now who is the British East India Company? They played a massive role in the history of the United States of America. Only you are not taught this in your schools or in your universities. But you need to know in my book ‘The Committee of 300’ which took 20 years of research and incidentally I was only a little bit behind with Carl Marx. He spent 30 years in the British museum in London where he got most of his things from. I point out that the British East India Company was the most powerful trading company in the world. They made their massive monies out of the dope trade. They first grew prime poppies in Q Gardens in Kensington, London; got the best producing opium poppies; They then shipped them to binaries in India where they began a massive plantation of poppies, of producing poppies.

They then used their famous tea clippers to transport the poppies in the form of raw opium to China and by their military force they imposed an opium policy on China that turned the Chinese nation into a nation of addicts. And they enforced this policy which was known to the royal family and Lord Gladston, the Prime Minister and every one of the Lords and Ladies in England. And they made a massive huge fortune. In researching these documents in India House in London, I came across some of the manifest of the old tea clippers and the numbers of cases of opium they carried in the values. And I totalled up these things and I found, to my astonishment, that if we took 1970 as an optimum year for profits in General Motors and Ford in one year, the opium trade with China was three times the profits of the combined prophets of Ford and General Motors in 1970. And this was shared by 300 people. That was the committee that ran the British East India Company. They all had equal voting rights. They could not outvote each other and of course they were sworn to secrecy.

The descendants of the British East India today run the United States and I will hope to prove my thesis as we go along. They also interfered in the development of the United States on every occasion. They armed the Indians. They armed the people against the settlers who were pushing West. They ran the Hudson Bay Company. They also ran the so-called Mission Stations in China and got these missionaries who were really not missionaries at all, to push opium on the Chinese.

And I remember a conversation with the late Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, prime minister of Egypt, president of Egypt, and Muhammed Heikel, one of the top journalists with Chen Li, and Chen Li told him, he said, ‘You know, the Americans and the British, made China a nation of opium addicts and now with the Vietnam War, it’s our turn. We are going to make the Americans a nation of opium addicts so you can see the influence, the evil baleful influence of the British East India Company upon the great nation of the United States of America’.

They were the ones who financed the war. They put up the money for the British troops to buy the Hessian mercenaries and to fight the colonists. Those brave 3%, let me remind you that only 3% of the people took arms and stood up against the mighty army of King George III.”

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