The Binary System

Henrik:  Fascinating yes. Tied back a little bit to – we’re talking about in the beginning – you know there are also reports coming out that they are currently developing brain computer interface technology and also of course this is about connecting the brain I guess directly to the Internet and can we kind of also interpret as kind of a – I mean this if nothing else this is certainly a very matrix type quality to these kinds of reports right?

Alan:  Absolutely and those talks that they’re giving now in little bits in newspapers are more to familiarize us with the inevitability of it because what they’re telling is old stuff. This stuff was done years ago and even Sony about 12 years ago admitted in Japan that they had taken human brain tissue and grown it in specialized fluid in almost like huge Petri dishes, interfaced them with silicon chips and they could transmit signals right through the chips to the brain and vice versa, but this is all old stuff that they’re telling us that they want to familiarize us with the idea.

Henrik:  I mean could we play with the words regarding what — Internet of course is referred to as the worldwide web and there seems to be a kind of suggestion there that there is either a spider in there somewhere or that we easily can be trapped in this web. Do you think that this is intentional?

Alan:  There’s no doubt. See, we live in an occultic world. We’re given an exoteric reality and even www on the Internet is 666 in Hebrew.

Henrik:  Yeah, exactly.

Alan:  You have the net — they call it the net and it’s the internet. You bury the net. Interface once you’re all connected you won’t be an individual. You bury the faces. We’re all one. This is all occultic terminology that’s being spoken out because in their reality when we speak it out we make it so for them.  Net is also 10 backwards which is your binary code for this new language which we’ll all learn. We won’t even have to learn it. It will be downloaded into us.

Henrik:  Oh, that’s interesting because of course yes 10 is also 1 and zero which as you say–

Alan:  Is the binary.

Henrik:  Yes, exactly the binary system. Amazing and I can’t remember if it was Michael Tsarion who first brought this to my attention regarding the — I think we could say that the magicians hatch and the — he got this little wand of his and if you kind of interpret it in a symbolic way you guess that the hat could be the zero and the wand is the number one so we’ve got this play again of creating something out of nothing with ones and zeros. Correct?

Alan:  Yes. We’ll you find even people like Lord Bertrand Russell, a big player in all of this agenda, back in the 1920s and ’30s was working on a language of numbers. Now he was working for what’s coming to past today. These guys work way ahead of time on these projects so he knew exactly where they were going and we always have two worlds working simultaneously. We have the one in the 1960s with big huge computers with tapes going for the public to believe in and even those working with them thought those were the latest things, but in reality they were so far ahead. They had micro circuitry back in the 1950s.

Henrik:  Amazing and we’ve got the Internet now and of course on one level it is helping to kind of inform us about all of these things which of course is a good thing, but there is talk now and have been for a while and I guess the plans as you say have been in the works for a long, long time but the implementation of something called the Internet2. Have you heard about this?

Alan:  Yes.

Henrik:  Do you want to talk a little bit about that? What do you think about it?

Alan:  It’s the same thing. It’s on a higher level because it’s a step-by-step you train the animals step-by-step so you don’t frighten them and you make it appealing in how you almost live in a virtual reality. This is aimed at the young. It works on the same psychology principle as hallucinogenic drugs. That’s how they pushed the drug scene in the ’60s, was mind-altering experiences, altered states of consciousness. They’re going to push the whole virtual reality the same way. It’s exciting for young people and almost bypasses the older. This is what they always do. People who are over 40 in the general population and over 50 they’ll bypass you and go straight to the youth.

Henrik:  And as you say it’s a youth culture there is obsessed by influencing the young people but then we have people who are just as you say who are over 40 who are trying to kind of adapt to the youth system. So we have adults around behaving like teenagers basically.

Alan:  Yes, that’s right. In fact, that was all part of it because you see communism was developed in England. It wasn’t developed anywhere else and it was developed and financed by those who already ruled England those who had the British Empire. They created their opposite, the dialectical process, because working in conjunction two opposing forces can through their conflict bring on their actual synthesis. That’s what they’re after, but you can’t do it just one side. You must have two and so that’s what we’re seeing down through here.

The control of nature. This goes back to Egypt when they realized you have summer and you had winter, you had spring and autumn. These were your opposing forces so you don’t fight anything. You actually use nature’s principles by creating the exact opposite, bring it across the next stage and this is how they do it exactly the same way.

Henrik:  Yeah, of course. This goes back to–

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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