The anti-human con game in a freemason system of ancient religion of robotification, commerce and mercantile law

Alan:  And the communists said, “don’t trust anybody over 30.” That was the slogan they brought out there like a mantra back in the ’60s and ’70s.

Henrik:  Yeah, amazing. And you know these of course as we again go back toward what we were talking about earlier regarding connecting the brain to the Internet and stuff like this. It feels like in regards to microchipping the population of course there are a number of reasons for this I guess but one reason of course is to kind of — the implementation of the I guess in quotes a “robotification” basically of humanity. But on some level it almost feels — what’s the word I’m looking for here?  It feels like it’s too much. It’s over the top because basically today we have people on some level almost behaving like biological robots already in some sense. I mean we are driven by our emotions or the input of the signaling basically and we react to that and why do you think that we have to — that they have to rather implement the microchip and really put it in us? Is this also more an occult thing?

Alan:  It’s occult. Part of it is total efficiency. See right now, we’ve got bread and circuses and massive indoctrination and that’s what you’re talking about.  Really, we’re seeing the effects of incredible scientifically designed ongoing indoctrination from a thousand sources every day working in unison through repetition, repetition and we have entertainment to keep us busy or diverted. It’s bread and circuses like they said. The reason that Rome fell was not so much the barbarians coming in. It was that the Romans could not afford to keep the bread and circuses going every day. They want efficiency you see. 

Huxley said it himself. Huxley said he saw no reason whatsoever why a scientifically created society and in fact a scientifically dominated society could not run the world and everyone in it forever. That’s what we’re seeing. That’s one part of it. It’s total efficiency. They won’t need newspaper reporters and media and entertainment et cetera in the future and the second part of it is to do with the religion of ownership that goes back into ancient times because a brand on an animal was the sign of ownership and that was total domination of the animal by the owner. They did the same thing with slaves. They used to brand them.

What you’re seeing now is the same old religion, ancient religion of commerce and mercantile law, which runs the whole world and the religion behind it which must dominate everything on the planet and own everything. See once you’re chipped it’s a legality. They now own you and people don’t realize this. This is more than just signing your name. Even the word “sign” to sign something is an occultic term. People sign their names all the time yet they give you a rule book which has an esoteric meaning all through it, but it tells you even exoterically to “give no oath.”  Now when you sign something, that’s the same as an oath. They’re telling you not to do it. Stupid you if you do. That’s the way this Masonic system works.

Henrik:  Yeah, yeah of course. Exactly. I think it was Jordan Maxwell who brought out a Roman I think he called it a maxim that he who can be fooled let him or something like that implying that if you’re stupid enough to by into this stuff okay that’s your problem not ours.

Alan:  That’s right. This whole system is an incredible con game. It’s almost anti-human because those who understand it perfectly understand us with our emotions perfectly being because we are human so they themselves do not feel guilt about any of the emotions that we feel but they understand how it works with us. Emotion to them is very, very inefficient.

Henrik:  Could we claim this as a religion for these people because I mean who are these people who basically can disconnect their own emotions like this? Are these people also incredibly manipulative? Is there mind control involved here?

Alan:  I think it’s to do — if we jumped all the way back to ancient Greece and when you realize it was no different the way that news was presented then apart from the technology than it is today. When you read some of the old philosophers of Greece expounding on something or a technique and saying he would like to implement this technique to see how it would affect the people, it’s just like today when they announce that it had already been done. When Plato talked in “The Republic” about the perfect world state with everyone being obedient to it, he went into selective breeding for specifically specially bred types of humans.

Now we always think he’s talking just about the workers but the upper management themselves are specially inbred. If you want someone to be psychopathic to an extent and have a lack of emotion for a high-level bureaucratic job, which is more important than a politician’s because the bureaucrats work there their whole lives. They’re two different parties in another parliaments. It doesn’t matter. The bureaucrat is there for life. He knows the agenda of his department and he works quietly away at it regardless of who would be affected by the policies and you can breed emotions out of people the same way as you can physically alter them you can actually breed emotions out by selecting the right male and female and interbreeding them down through centuries.

Henrik:  Interesting. So we could have similar to as we do with — I guess that — humanity have been doing with dogs for hundreds of years now breeding them each other and develop a line of a dog that is according to your needs so to speak.

Alan:  Yeah. If you want a well-managed happy dog that gets on with the family you get a Labrador. If you want something that’s a bit more vicious or has the capacity to be vicious you’ll get a guard type dog and you can be pretty well sure when you buy a pedigree dog as a puppy of the personality is going develop because it’s so inbred and it’s the same with people. If you want psychopathic types who would have intellects you can certainly breed them up for intellectual abilities. Not general intellect either. They’re specialized. If you want a good mathematician you will breed him up with a woman who’s a good mathematician then you inbreed or outbreed certain qualities to get the perfect personality you want to go with that and it’s the same with any kind of science.

Henrik:  And I guess that would be China would have I guess parts of Japan also because they’re kind of — what I can pick up from over there, they’re developing this kind of corporate civilization basically where you live for the corporation and I don’t know if they pick your partners for you at this point.

Alan:  Yeah, well this is how it works. In fact, this works in Masonry too. A first generation Mason cannot get beyond the 33 degree.

Henrik:  Right.

Alan:  Now what they do is the Grand Master will approach you and casually say something like come to dinner. I’ll introduce you to this nice young lady et cetera, et cetera if they want you and if you take the hint when he has suggested that this person would make a good marriage partner that’s an order if you’re wise. That’s what they say, “a word to the wise.”  When that is said, you’re hearing an order and if he marries that woman that means that she’s been selected through interbreeding through Masonic families as well. Now your offspring with that woman can go higher. They can go up to 45 degree, second generation. The third generation can go the whole way. That’s what it means the third generation.

Henrik:  Okay, interesting. Quickly a side note here. Can we connect this also with — they’re a lot of I guess in the Hindu religion and also I guess within Islam where they pick your partners for you. Can we pick up a trace from that there also?

Alan:  Absolutely. In fact, you’ll find that pretty well all the religions that we have can be traced back to India. All of them. Many of the stories and even in the Old Testament were borrowed right out of the Hindu religion.

Henrik:  Yeah, interesting. You know Alan, I’ve heard you mention that there are — and I’ve heard also others of course but I think I’ve heard it from you first that there are actually are 360 degrees in Freemasonry. Have you stumbled upon any documents for this because I haven’t seen it from I guess from internal sources, Masonic documents or anything like this. 

Alan:  Yes. You’ll find them in certain branches of Freemasonry where they’ll talk a little bit more openly about it especially if they want younger ones to go in. The OTO, the Ordo Templi Orientis, which is chartered, it has a Masonic charter from the English Grand Lodge, the OTO goes up to 96.

Henrik:  Yeah, I’ve heard that.

Alan:  Then you have other ones and that’s in their own writings. You can send off for them in fact. They’ll give it to you. And there’s higher ones above that. See once you get into — you’ve done the York Rite and you’ve done the Scottish Rite and you become the Odd Fellow when you join these orders — now the sky’s the limit. You go on and on. The ones who are still in the lower orders are not suppose to even know there’s anything beyond what they’re told because they themselves are a good front — a good unwitting front. In fact, they’ll defend Freemasonry to the last at the bottom even though what they’ve been fed is a lot of lies.

Henrik:  Yeah and it feels like it’s basic psychology because if you are on the inside or part of this I guess you could say that you have a sense of feeling that you actually know what’s going on because you’re on the inside and then a person comes from the outside to try and tell you something about the lodge or something, I mean I guess that’s a huge stamp on the ego for that person.

Alan:  Then above the usual orders, you come into the noble orders and once you’re into the noble orders you want to get knighted by the Queen of England. Kissinger went and got knighted from there. The ex-mayor of New York after 9/11, he got knighted over there and these are American citizens.

Henrik:  Yeah and Bono just got knighted, right?

Alan:  Yeah, because he’s helping the world bankers to keep their debt scam going. Even the top of the mafia bunches they want to be knighted which seems weird at the time when Bronfman — old Bronfman of the Bronfman dynasty through the prohibition era, the gangster era, gave millions — billions of dollars really and the drugs to that he pushed. He used to give massive amounts of money to charities that the Queen subscribed to and to his dying day he really thought that he had a chance of being knighted by the Queen. That’s all they wanted. So there’s a bigger ritual involved here of getting into a much higher form of Masonry. That’s obvious when even the mafia side wants to be knighted by the Queen.

Henrik:  Exactly, exactly. And I just briefly would like to touch upon because I read an article the other day that stated that if you are — there are new lodges and stuff like this popping up now and then and they were speaking about the rights to start an order because we have a name — you know they called it “the accepted rite of Freemasonry” implying that it is accepted I guess in the Grand Lodge or something like that but do you know how this works? Can they buy the rites to this or is this relayed through the Queen or what’s going on or do you know anything about that?

Alan:  Well the Duke of Kent that lineage of royalty — the Duke of Kent is a cousin of the Queen traditionally is the head of the Grand Lodge of England and it’s the Grand Lodge of England that gives the charters out to every other worldwide lodge. At one time they thought the Grand Orient of France was a different lodge, but it’s not. They were also given their first charter by England. Even the ones that seem to fight each other in history all come from the same capstone.

Henrik:  Yeah, exactly. And you know I saw a speech with the Queen. I don’t know if it’s an annual thing. By the way, she is the Queen of Canada also right?

Alan:  Yeah. The whole commonwealth, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Africa, even some parts of India still claim to be part of the commonwealth.

Henrik:  Really. Interesting. Anyways in her speech she just regurgitated basically what was written on a paper but it was mostly about different kinds of legislation and things like this and one thing that came up again and again is the concept of anti-social behavior. Have you heard about this?

Alan:  That’s right. Because where they’re going with the terrorism laws and I knew this was the real purpose of them. The terrorist laws are going to encompass everything in your life including your opinions. See the reason they call it “political correctness” and if you’re not politically correct in a certain area then you are a potential terrorist against this group or that group or whatever. So everything is going to be boiled down to terrorism and therefore we must all be social — very socialized and of course at the top defines their version of what a good well adjusted socialized citizen is. It’s someone with no thoughts or opinions of their own.

Henrik:  Oh my god! I mean what do you think they will — at the beginning of course they will just have this implemented through consensus I guess just hammering this up in the media and people will start to behave but we have these kinds of things now where cameras are able to shout at you and stuff like this.

[Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden, December 31, 2006]

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