The 1913 Flexner Report corrupted the medical sector. How is the medical system today?

The medical sector was irrevocably altered by the 1913 Flexner report. The medical system was taken over by the Rockefellers and Andrew Carnegie in 1913. What they actually did was declare everybody practicing alternative medicine to be a “quack,” and they exterminated them. That is the origin of the word. It’s intriguing that someone practising alternative medicine was labelled as “quack”, that is, an individual attempting to deceive others in order to obtain financial benefit when the medical system engages in similar behavior all the time!!

Additionally, at the time of the Flexner report, they had the power to prevent funding from going to universities that did not support radiation, surgery, or pills. Consequently, your school will not receive funds if you practice natural medicine, which caused 90% of medical schools to close during that period. Some women’s medical schools were forced to close as a result of the Flexner Report, and women were not allowed to enroll in Harvard or Yale medical schools until after World War II. The closure of five out of the seven medical schools led by Black people at the time also indicates that racial structural disadvantages were also brought about by the Flexner study.

Furthermore, you had to pay a very high fee to become an MD. Therefore, you had to push in the directions they wanted you to go if you weren’t wealthy and didn’t want to become a doctor. You were eliminated by them if you did anything more. There were regulations and limitations in place at the time that prevented you from starting your own school. These are the only methods that would be promoted and practiced.

 And not only that. There is something else that this Flexner report did. It also suppressed electric and magnetic therapy:

“A major evaluation of American medicine, financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910 by the respected educator Abraham Flexner, had denounced the clinical use of electric shocks and currents, which had been applied, often over-enthusiastically, to many diseases since the mid-1700s. Electrotherapy sometimes seemed to work, but no one knew why, and it had gotten a bad name from the many charlatans who’d exploited it.  Its legitimate proponents had no scientific way to defend it, so the reforms in medical education that followed the Flexner report drove all mention of it from the classroom and clinic, just as the last remnants of belief in vital electricity were being purged from biology by the discovery of acetylcholine. This development dovetailed nicely with expanding knowledge of biochemistry and growing reliance on the drug industries products. Penicillin later made medicine almost exclusively drug orientated.” [Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD’s famous book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life]

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. Try to visualise Big pHARMa looking at you as you heal yourself. What kind of look do you imagine?

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. It is full of brainwashed inDOCTORinated doctors and scientists who are willing to fudge data, omit inconvenient results from reports, or straight-up lies, for money, prestige and advancement. Cancer is striking more young people; sudden deaths in young and middle-aged people and doctors continue to be baffled. Maybe you should take more booster shots while they try to figure it out. Do you still follow the science?

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. Ask your doctor what they learn about vaccines during their studies. Very, very little. When Astrazeneca withdrew its “product”, were you still trusting the science? Did you behave like a normie, thinking “Phew, I’m glad I took the Pfizer one”? Or did you ditch the inDOCTORination of corporate and media propaganda and learning to trust logic, wisdom, intuition, and good old-fashioned common sense?

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. They don’t give cures if people are dying. They don’t do research if they delete opposing views. It’s not data if the adverse reactions and deaths of the safe and effective are being censored and not included. It’s not science if you are not allowed to question it.

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. “A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society but a mental asylum” – Dr. Sebi. They basically create diseases so they sell you the “cure” that causes more diseases.

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. “Curing disease without removing its cause is like trying to sober up a drunk man while he continues to drink” – Dr. Shelton.

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. Did you ever realise that you have been turned from a farm animal to a pharm animal? Doctors have no clue what you have after you have described all the symptoms when your body speaks and all they can do is administer you some poison?! “Dear patient, I am sorry you are unwell. Do you want some fever reducer that causes liver failure, or the headache medicine that causes heart attacks?” Shall we play some dumb things your doctor has said to you? There should be a law requiring doctors and scientists to wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers. We would know who owns them. If they can make you believe that poison is medicine, what else can they do?

Don’t think that the medical system today has changed or improved. Well it might have changed – for the worse. “I am here to give you the best nutritional advice because I spent years studying nutrition in medical school” – said no medical doctor ever. If you want to know how well the medical industry understands health, just look at the food they serve in hospitals. P.S. While you walk your way out, remember to peep through the vending machines.

Excuse me doctor, have you accepted BIG PHARMA as your lord and saviour?

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