Some Mob History (part one)

“Traditionally, the mob crime bosseds have had a yearly summit. In 1928, they had their yearly conclave at Cleveland. In 1929, they had their secret yearly conclave at Atlantic City. In 1931, they held their secret annual conclave at Wappingers Falls, NY. At the Wappingers Falls meeting, attended by about 300 overlords and soldiers, the heads of the family clans discussed their crime family agendas. They decided where the first national Mafia convention was to be held. Once the Mafia was able to hold their yearly private national meetings, they were able to coordinate their activities, as well as decide such things as:

a. the direction of national and international operations, and long range plans

b. the promotion of new bosses

c. decisions on turf and rank, commodities and cash

d. hashing out alliances or disputes with the Mishpucka, Triads, FBI, Illuminati etc and working with others in a concerted manner. The mafia clans would then leave the annual summit meetings and follow through in their area of operations, until they would meet the next year, review their successes and failures, get new assignments, and decide upon new short and long term goals.

In 1927, the Mishpucka worked with Mafia to highjack a bootleg shipment of whiskey travelling from Ireland to Boston for the Kennedy Illuminati family. Most of Kennedy’s guards were killed in the shootout, and J.P. Kennedy had the widows of the guards besieging him for financial assistance. Billy Graham’s good friend Mafia Chief Joseph Bonanno was one of the chiefs who attended the yearly conclaves. He also met with J. F. Kennedy in the winter of 1959. John Kennedy was known to have said that mobster Sam Giancana worked for his Kennedy family. The mob/Illuminati alliances and infighting are too complex to deal with in this book, but both groups had to put plans into action to deal with the repeal of prohibition, which would end their lucrative bootlegging. The short-term plan for the Mafia was to control the film industry in Hollywood, and to penetrate the unions better. The long-term plans called for sending their next few generations of children off to the top schools and getting them into legitimate respectable corporate positions.

By learning the ins and outs of honest, legal operations, they could then mix in the illegal operations with their legal ones and look legal. They planned to extend their power base into politics, the Harvard-Stanford business schools, as well as the finest corporate board rooms. They intended (and have succeeded) in getting some of their offspring to produce/direct T.V./films. They would have an increasing presence with the Bohemian Grove membership, as well as some of the other great social and business clubs. Their plan to take over the film industry hinged on their union control over uinons and theaters. The Chicago mob controlled the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Union. The mob controlled the projectionist’s union, and if the film makers had the theaters where their movies were shown shut down, what good would it be to make movies? The film makers and the mafia both had power and money. Rather than fight a protracted war, they made a deal. The major studios would give about $50,000 a year to the mafia, and the small ones $25,000, to be allowed to function. Other agreements were also reached. Mob henchmen Willie Bioff and George E. Browne were mob lieutenants who orchestrated the mob’s ‘Hollywood takeover.'”

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