Some Disney People of Interest (5)

Michael Ovitz: Ovitz was the no. 2 man at Walt Disney for a while until near the end of ’96. Michael Ovitz was a high school classmate in VanNuys, CA with Michael Milken (later the junk-bond wizard), and there are many of the same people connected to both men. When Michael Ovitz’s National Mercantile Bancorp (a saving and loan) began getting into the quicksand of several lawsuits and scandals, attorney Robert Strauss represented him. Illuminati member Robert Strauss has been a lawyer connected with drug running and the mafia. He was also an FBI agent from ’41 to ’45 with Hoover. He is admitted to the Washington D.C. bar. President Bush appointed him U.S. Ambassador to Russia. He has been on the board of directors, of the Illuminati’s Pepsi Co., Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM), and General Instruments (which have been exposed in other writings by this author.) He was also a board member of the Illuminati-mafia run MCA. Strauss is seen in Washington D.C. as a behind the scenes power broker. Strauss represented Michael Milken associate Ronald O. Perelman, Chairman of Revlon, who made a $600 million, killing off the 1st Gibraltar S&L. Strauss represented MCA, which the Bronfmans took over in 1995.

The book of Knoedelsder, William ‘Stiffed- The True Story of MCA, The Music Business, and the Mafia, NY: HarperCollins Pub., 1993, does a good job of connecting the MCA to the mob, the network, and Iran Contra. Time Magazine of 2/24/97 carried a page long story about Michael Ovitz being out of a job. In the article, they reported that he was spending time on his new yacht The Illusion, visiting Joe Silver’s estate in South Carolina, visiting his property in Aspen, CO, and eating lunch with investment adviser Richard Salomon of Spears, Benzak, Salomon & Farrell. Gordon Crawford of the Capital Group is quoted in the article praising Ovitz, and saying he would invest in an Ovitz venture. Ovitz is believed to be mafia by people in a place to know. He has also been known to threaten people using mafia terms, for instance, Vanity Fair (12/96, p. 272) reports Ovitz threatening Bernie Brillstein, a producer, with his ‘foot soldiers’.

The San Francisco Chronicle (Fri 1/26/96, pg D20) quotes the latest issue of Columbia Journalism Review about an incident where a reporter Anita Busch who was investigating Ovitz got violently sick from the MSG in her food as she interviewed him. To top off it all, Ovitz followed up her story which questioned his actions, by sending her a gift wrapped packaged of MSG with a one-word note: ‘Enjoy.’ Michael Ovitz has had the clout to deal with Illuminati kingpin Edgar Bronfman, head to head. He requested and got Bronfman to keep his dad employed, which was dutifully done. Edgar Bronfman Jr. had seriously considered having Ovitz head Seagram’s MCA/Universal conglomerate.

Frank G. Wells: Frank was the President and the Chief Operating Officer of the Walt Disney Co. Wells was also on Disney’s board of directors. He was a Rhodes Scholar, and a lawyer in 1955. Those who have read previous books by this author know how the Rhodes Scholars fit into things and are part of the Illuminati. He worked closely with Eisner and Katzenberg. Frank died in a helicopter crash in the spring of 1994 while heli-skiing in Nevada. His surviving sister is Molly Wells Chappellet who runs around in Illuminati circles. Molly Wells Chappellet has been featured in several times in Betty Knight Scripp’s magazine Appellation. Betty Knight Scripp was married to a Bohemian Grove member. Betty has been good friends with the late Pamela Harriman (who was a recent US ambassador to France and connected to the Rothschilds), as well as good friends with her imperial highness the Grand Duchess of Vladimir in Russia, who owns the Chateau Margaux in Bordeaux. Betty Scripps personally monitors with care what is put into her incredible magazine Appellation. She has a column ‘Who’s who in the wine country’ where the Chappellets have appeared in print numerous times.”

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