Some Disney People of Interest (3)

Michael Dammann Eisner: Chairman at Disney is a CIA asset and connected to the mob. Some insiders believe he is connected to elements of the CIA and mob that are anti-NWO. Even so, these anti-NWO factions also employ mind-control. Eisner ignored a threat by Red China to boycott Disney products if he made a movie about the nation Tibet that China controls with draconian force. The U.N., the Commerce Department, and the State Department, all tried unsuccessfully to get him to back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys and Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boys and Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite. Notice that Napa’s Silverado Country Club invites in celebrities (such as CIA asset Pat Boone, Joe DiMaggio ex-husband of sex slave Marilyn Monroe, Engelbert Humberdinck a slave handler, Digger Phelps Notre Dame’s coach who uses slaves, and Jack Valenti, CEO of Motion Picture Association and Bohemian Grover) for a golf tournament which is billed as a ‘benefit for the Boys and Girls Club.’ The benefit for child slaves is they get to caddie and sexually service elite perverts. Michael (born March 7, 1942, in NY) came from old American money of a family that has been rich merchants and lawyers. Michael grew up in luxurious Park Ave. as well as his family’s ‘country place’ in Bedford Hills near Mt. Kisco, NY. He went to an elite private school Allen-Stevenson, which is famous for its children’s orchestra. At the age of 14, he then went to Lawrenceville School, which is a prep-school for Princeton, whose tuition in 1956 was $3,000. Eisner’s class inclusive NY’s governor’s son, and other sons of powerful men, such as the son of Saudi Prince Turqi al-Faisal. The school is a prep school for the establishment’s entertainment industry. Students are only allowed to see their parents on major holidays. Eisner was in the Periweg Club, the school’s drama society. His poor scholastic performance meant that he had to go to a small liberal arts college, rather than Princeton or Harvard such as was family tradition. For instance, his grandfather had attended Phillips Exerter Academy and Harvard. His grandfather has served in many government commissions and belonged to the Harvard Club, the American Club in London as well as some yacht clubs. Between his junior and senior year in high school, Eisner was a page at NBC’s HQ in the Rockefeller Center. In 1966, he landed a job in the programming department of ABC. He had an influential position. Eisner had one good break for deciding TV programming. He was 21 when the target audience was 21 years old, and when he was 35, the target age of the film industry was then 35. He has been described as having ‘supernatural enthusiasm’ coupled to a lifetime quest for untested ideas.

Rich H. Frank: was Executive Vice-President with Walt Disney until his sudden resignation about a year before this was written. He worked side by side with Katzenberg and left after Katzenberg resigned in a dispute with Disney’s chairman Eisner. Rich Frank was President of Walt Disney’s TV-Media Division. He acquired the estate of VanHoffenwiggen, when VanHoffenwiggen fled the country and vanished when Lendvest began to be exposed. VanHoffenwiggen was a major figure involved with Lendvest Mortgage Inc., a drug-laundering operation and drug smuggling operation operating out of Napa Valley. It was also the fastest growing real estate mortgage company in northern California until its drug smuggling began to be exposed. Lendvest did some tricks ala Nugen Hand Bank. Millions of dollars of investors and creditors have disappeared leaving lots of hurting people, and the mortgage company filed for protection from creditors in US Bankruptcy court, and is still in operation. International financier Edmond Safra’s private bank sent Lendvest lots of crisp new $100 bills. The Safras are tied in with the Rothschilds. (The Safras are reportedly recent property owners in St. Helena near Napa – through Good Wine Co. which is the Spring Mountain Wineries), near where Lendvest was HQed. Edmond’s nephew, Jacob Safra, has a partnership in Napa Valley’s Good Wine Co. The Rothschild’s Citicorp gave Republic National Bank the transaction ability to issue international (world) bearer bonds (‘bank notes’). The Luxembourg/Belgium branch of Bank Nacional de Paris issued a bearer bond that was connected to the Lendvest drug running operation. In Britain, a U.S. citizen Mike Spire ran the British operation of LandVest and InVest. LandVest’s parent was InVest which has operated in the UK, Switz, Saudi Arabia and Paraguay. Long story made short, LandVest has been an international CIA-Mafia drug running operation, with Illuminati overtones and connections to it. With all this in mind, it is strange, that Walt Disney’s President of its TV-Media Division, Rich Frank, bought the palatial mansion of John O. VanHoffenwiggen after VanHoffenwiggen disappeared from the country when indictments and arrests began to be made of people connected to Landvest. According to insiders, Rich Frank is also one of a number of Napa Valley people involved in illegal labelling of wines. Rich Frank was a key figure in Disney’s programming venture with three regional Bell Telephone companies (Ameritech, Bell South, & SBC Commun.) coming together. Bell Telephone wanted to get into cable TV. Michael Ovitz formed a rival group of three other Bell Telephone Calvin Robinson, who tied in with LandVest, worked with Boyce, who in turn worked for TRW Co., in Redondo Beach, CA. Boyce was sentenced to 40 years for selling US surveillance secrets to the soviets.”

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