Robert Abela moves Communist Malta forward with the cashless project

Communist Malta will be going cashless so they can track your every move with the new freemason-illuminati approved digital govcoins. The Cashless Society project in Malta, is being accelerated.

The funnelling towards a cashless, controlled society is now official and publicly declared by the globalist puppet who lies on the throne on the hill on the Bastion of Saint James, none other than Prime Minister Robert Abela.

Hearing him speak gives me reminiscences of a subdued crowd holding the sickle and hammer flag while they await their much loved “Uncle Joe” Stalin.

Our “Uncle Bobby” Abela is on record, declaring:

“Mil-lum ‘il quddiem, jiġifieri mill-mument li dan l-avviż legali jidħol fis-seħħ, fil-jiem illi ġejjin, il-pagi jridu jitħallsu ġewwa l-kont bankarju.”

Cash isn’t perfect, but it surely gives us a hell of a lot more freedom than any other methods being offered.

Oh, dummy! Finally, the government of “-isms” is doing something to tackle abuse! Dummy!

Oh no, dummy! The problem is to allow abuse to run rampant so that the government reacts with a legal notice. Solution? Funnel the populace to the evil Rothschild banks in the future envisioned CASHLESS and DIGITALISED world of control and all the other “-isms”. You know, along the lines of Totalitarianism, Socialism, Fascism and Communism.

Oh no, dummy! This is another dummy run, folks!

Oh no, dummy! “Uncle Bobby” Abela is just selling you another dummy, folks!

Oh no, dummy! “Uncle Bobby” Abela is tightening the screws on you, folks!

Keep the cash. Because this cashless world will only affect you. It won’t affect them because they have you by the balls. They know very well how to do their transactions so that they are justified.

“Uncle Bobby” Abela has rolled on the legal move towards a cashless society, which will lead us to total slavery. They are not only holding us to the ground by a stick, but they are holding us by the balls.

Keep on voting for these traitors in Parliament while they chuck a dummy on you as they dummy you out.

You are being forced to cooperate with the globalist organizations through your government so to advance the fourth Reich as the ruthless Elite turned parasites aggressively implement their globalist programs. This fourth Reich is a new era of feudalism, a return to the oligarchic and peasant model, a return to slavery where the commoners will be allowed to work only to survive and milk their corrupt system as they continue to accumulate their bloody cursed wealth. How? Why? Because people are likely to spend more money using cashless methods.

A cashless society is a stepping stone to this dystopian nightmare. Without a cashless society, the globalists would not be able to enforce the other elements of their reset. If you need proof, look into Communist China.

When everything goes cashless, it’s when the real nightmares will begin.

For the New Tyrannical World Order of complete and utter tyranny, you are absolutely worthless – just a non-person—where you will have your chip turned off and starved at the push of a button under the cashless beast system, which “Uncle Bobby” Abela has just chucked the dummy on you as he dummies you out.

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