Overpopulation is a myth

Our ideas or opinions on everything are worldviews, even to do with population, and the fake view that we are overpopulated is all projected to us by the mainstream media working in lockstep for their masters, and we begin to parrot what we hear through repetition. And that’s so important—it’s repetition, with slogans and catch phrases. And once you hear it happening, your own local group here milieu, you know it’s working.

And then the camera can make anything appear to be true; you’ll see that in India for instance, they always use the same streets of Bombay to make you think that you’re massively overcrowded and that’s the impression people have of the entire Indian continent. The Indian continent is huge, with thousands and thousands of miles of forest where no one lives.

It’s the same in Africa too. China, being the model state for the world, for instance, put into effect the United Nations policy to the extreme with this population reduction and the movements of people off of the ruler area into cities. This has been done years ago. Right now they are in the process of moving 200 million more people off, into the major cities, and that’s in the major newspapers.

The cities appear to be crowded because everyone is being moved into them. And the western world since the 1950s, again under the term of urban sprawl, and stopping urban sprawl, the western countries also signed agreements to denorm the buildings in the outskirts and off to major cities. All existing buildings have to be used or else knocked down and replaced with even higher ones. But regardless with the immigration and the free flow of people now from third world countries, the western countries appear to be overcrowded.

And yet the U.N.’s own statistics show. That’s what the national census shows. That the Europeans for instance, Canadians, Americans, are actually in decline. So, the overpopulation problem is simply an image projected by the media as more, more people are crammed into the same cities.

© the great and the one and only, Alan Watt

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