On Intimacy

Being physically close to someone does not equate to being intimate.

Physicality is not the source of intimacy.

The key is to trust someone because they give you a sense of security.

It’s about confiding in someone who accepts you for who you are without passing judgment on your deepest worries, insecurities, and vulnerabilities.

Someone who treats your heart with the care of a fragile flower.

It’s about knowing that someone else would listen to you with compassion and understanding when you open up to them about your inner thoughts, your suffering, your history, and your trauma.

When you can let them see the shattered shards of your soul, they react with warmth, love, and care.

It’s a place where you feel comfortable enough to be who you truly are without worrying about being rejected, abandoned, or judged.

A unique individual who will support you through all of life’s highs and lows will let you know that you are never alone on this lovely, yet occasionally challenging journey we call life.

Feeling secure is the true essence of intimacy.

Since genuine closeness originates in the heart and spirit…


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