Marry someone who shares the same faith

Are you aware of the story of Jezebel?

She is described in the Holy Bible as one of the most evil women of all. The worst, so to speak. Ahab, who was the Jewish King of Israel from the tribe of Ephraim , a Jew from the tribe of Ephraim, a king of Israel, went to meet the King of Sidon. Sidon is in the south of Lebanon. Their god was the Baal. Now the Baal in the Holy Bible represents Satan. So the people of Sidon used to worship Satan literally. So, Ahab the king of Israel goes to meet the king of Sidon where he sees his daughter with whom he fell in love.

So, a Jew, an Israeli, from the tribe of Ephraim, falls in love with a pagan, a worshipper of Satan – Baal, a totally foreign god. And he wanted to marry her. She said, in front of her father, to Ahab, ‘I’ll marry you on one condition. You are to stay to your own religion while you leave me to mine.’ Mixed marriages of different religions, is a big no! This is what the Holy Bible is saying. It is not me saying this. This was fine for Ahab, which led to their marriage and took her with him to his kingdom, Israel. There, she started making requests. She wanted him to build for her a temple for Baal – Satan. And he did, next to the Citadel, close to where she lived, for easy access. What did she do? She brought 400 prophets of Baal and 450 priests that worshipped Baal from Sidon. From one temple, in a short time, there were over a thousand temples for Baal in all Israel.

Ahab made a mistake by marrying a woman who worships Satan just because she was good looking. Choosing a man or a woman because they are good looking does not mean that they are good for you. Men- your main focus when you choose your women is not the outside looks. It doesn’t mean you should marry someone who frightens you when you wake up. Not at all. But outside looks should not be the main focus. Instead, choose a woman who loves Jesus Christ. The Lord who is in her will teach her to do nothing but good for you. In this way, you will not fear her, because she loves the Lord.

This is how Satan works when we make deals with him. He begins with a little thing, until he takes over and takes everything. This stands for us too. Before we know it, Satan engulfs us and we are done. We are finished.

So, Jezebel was very sneaky, as Satan is. Satan taught her all the deceitful ways. A man who had a block of land next to the king’s land. This man was Naboth the Jezreelite. Ahab, the king, offered him good money to acquire his land. But Naboth refused because he said that that was his ancestors’ land with a lot of heritage and history. So the king went back home feeling sad, because Naboth did not sell him the land in exchange for good money. Jezebel decided to take the matter in her hand. She started by reading the Torah, the Jewish faith, to be familiar with her husband’s religion, to find certain loopholes where she can come through and destroy her husband’s nation. In the book of Deuteronomy, she found that if an Israelite man swears against God and the king of that nation, that man must be stoned to death. And here, she unfolded the plan. She called people from Naboth’s town, paid them money and ordered them to be false witnesses, lying to the king that Naboth swore against Yahweh and against the king. They swore so in front of the king. They took him out, they dug a big hole, they put him in the hole, and stoned him and his children to death. So now, King Ahab could take Naboth’s property for free. As they were talking the prophet Elijah came and confronted Ahab, saying to him, ‘This is the word of the Lord, to you and your evil wife. The dogs that licked the blood of Naboth and his sons, the same dogs will lick your blood and your wife’s.’ And both were killed on that day.

Marry someone who shares the same faith, if you want to avoid the headaches.

One going to his church, while the other goes to her temple doesn’t work. When you have children, what are you going to do? Will you split them? One week they go to one church, one week they go to the temple. Then they’ll come neither Christians nor the other religion. Which one will they be?

Oh, I know the answer I will get. “We will raise them respecting all types of faith and then they will choose at their own accord.” So, you are telling me that God has now become a choice? There is only one God and that is Jesus Christ and Christianity is not a religion. Jesus is not my religion, Jesus is my saviour. Big difference.

Stop confusing children and everyone. Don’t make a deal. Cut it. Find someone who shares the same faith.

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