Jason Azzopardi, the leader in the legion of mercenaries

Satan has a legion of mercenaries also known as ‘narcissists’. They operate as he designed. Ruthlessly and without empathy.

You can replace ‘Satan’ with ‘The Court’ and ‘Politics.’

Jason Azzopardi is one of those mercenaries—to be honest, he is leading the pack, in a category of his own that would need a group of highly intellectual researchers to conduct a psychological study and come up with results that would hopefully give us a glimpse of what transpires in such leaders of such packs of such legions.

Azzopardi fits a very good but malign psychological trap, a product of the Elite’s invention as psychology is, which is more designed to trap and cause harm more than good.

“Jason Azzopardi said the police should charge Prime Minister Robert Abela for not sending his daughter to school and instead taking her with him on a trip to New York” for the United Nations General Assembly last week.

How about starting by charging you, Jason Azzopardi, since you clearly think you are and act above the law, publishing extracts of chats related to Yorgen Fenech, which is “in violation of a court order,” on which there was a court ban?

Forget it that we are living under the rule of law. We are living under the rule of Jason Azzopardi, who is an extension of a corrupt masonic legal system in a building which is rotting with flying rat corpses which has worked in tandem with those involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia to frame Yorgen Fenech! Who is behind you, Jason Azzopardi? Who gives you such authority and power? Who allows you to disseminate documents which are sealed by court order, and protects you from being punished?

However, Azzopardi pointed out that it is a crime for parents not to send their children to school without a valid medical reason.

Azzopardi, you should know that children can be exempted from school with a legitimate reason procured by the parents, such as, a piano exam that a student has to sit for overseas. I am sure Prime Minister Robert Abela and Dr. Lydia Abela acted in fairness and according to their lovely daughter’s school policy. After all, they are the parents. So, be quiet and stay in your place, once in a while.

Do you want to hear another huge hypocritical statement of his? Sound the trumpet please. Drum roll:

“If there is something I disagree with, it’s when people in power don’t apply the law to themselves as they do to everyone else,” Azzopardi said.

If there is something I hate is tartufferie; it’s when lawyers in power and control don’t apply the law they profess to themselves as they apply and are applied to everyone else—a law which is then applied to the plebs in a legal system that favours those who write the same laws while allowing lawyers to break them!

What a double face of unprecedented double-dealing standards! Pharisaism in the 21st century! When will this narcissistic pietistic mercenary of the ‘holier-than-thou’ toxic masculine learn that in order to throw the first stone, he must be without sin himself?

He never even shouldered responsibility for all the shady deals he was involved in when he was the parliamentary secretary responsible for government lands. Lowenbrau: 8 million; Fekruna: 4.5 million; Spinola: 2.4 million.

But here he comes wearing fake angel wings giving a sermon from Mount Sanctimony. Why didn’t you inform your followers about the Pact for the Future which was signed in New York, Azzopardi? You’re another player in the game of distraction – that’s what you are.

But this wannabe Mr. Justice of Pharisaism prefers to write deviations and lies, instead of giving truth, something that is completely estranged to his tongue and heart. Forget it that he will keep his mouth shut because he has even managed to convince himself that he is the prince of good governance, clean politics, honesty, and the rule of law of a building that is rotting with flying rat corpses, while the leader of the legion of mercenaries gives his sermon from Mount Sanctimony.

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