Embark on an ego trip, and then promote your business—Neil Agius and his Kaizen Hub

“However, during the press conference, Neil admitted that he will be shifting his focus away from swimming, with plans to open a Kaizen Hub with his partner Lara Vella.

They aim to create a space offering yoga and breathwork worshops to share the knowledge they have gained through these difficult changes.”

Embark on an ego trip, and then promote your business. There is nothing wrong in promoting a business, albeit a truly spiritual person who has the Lord Jesus Christ as his focus, and who is so much one with the spiritual world, knows that what has to flow will flow, and thus, he would rather let it flow and grow by itself.

But when you have a context of someone being so highly pushed by the media and the politicians, with a prearrangement between the manipulative press and the same politicians, you cannot not tap on the fact that Agius is using his ego trip to promote his business. And this business happened to be related with the New Age Movement disguised under ‘health and wellness’.

Kaizen Hub. ‘Kaizen,’ in Japanese means ‘continuous improvement.’ I would love to hear from a Japanese person what kaizen truly means and represents in their country. Will Agius pervert the intended message of Kaizen? It is valid for Japan and their culture. But it’s not valid for Malta, dear Neil Agius!

And then we get to the yoga part. Maybe the spiritual practice might be correct, but the west and its soulless people who camouflage themselves as spiritual people and then sell this pseudo-spirituality to help the lost souls of a heavy robotic march as ‘continuous improvement,’ are just helping these lost souls of a heavy robotic march bypassing true spiritual work so that they remain intact in the New Cage Movement. New Cagers.

Will this be a New Age Hippie western yoga, or?

Yoga is dangerous. No, it’s not an innocuous spiritual practice. No, it’s not just stretching and connecting to your breath. It is a spiritual practice using the physical body. Yoga is a Hindu modality created for all intents and purposes of union to spirit. As Christians, we know that this union cannot possibly be without the Holy Spirit, because our God has nothing to do with other gods and that Jesus Christ is the only way. And because yoga is of Hindu origin, the definition and demonstration of yoga is inseparably rooted in Hindu beliefs. And those beliefs are contingent on the worship of 33 million gods and goddesses, which are the spirits that the yoga asanas were curated for union with. So when you practise yoga, you are coming into an agreement with mind, body and spirit with those 33 million gods. By biblical definition, those false gods are demons.

And this is not my yet another crazy information which the matrix masses will laugh at and shake off. Go on YouTube and check for yourself the loads of testimonies that there are of former Yoga teachers who are now coming out exposing the dangers behind this yet another deceitful practise.

And this is not my yet another crazy information which the matrix masses will laugh at and shake off. This is a warning from the true and only living monotheistic God who loves you. Jesus Christ.

And if I am hurting anyone with the Truth, it is not my problem. The truth is that while you think you are all the hippie hippie flower power spiritual person through your yoga and ‘we are one’ and all the rest of pseudo-spiritual practices of the New Agers, you are pledging allegiance to these false gods when you are practising yoga, even if you are well-intentioned. Saying that you have a good intention with your yoga practice to have union with a spirit, would be no different than saying that you have a good intention with using the Ouija board to talk to spirit.

A reminder that I was all this, dear readers. I did this, dear readers. Oh yes. I practised yoga, even under the full moon. We burnt paper with our wishes in a cauldron. And yes, I witnessed things moving when we practised the Ouija board. Don’t you think that I am writing without having experienced all this.

If I was crazy and I am speaking a bunch of malarkey, you wouldn’t be having such a visceral emotional reaction to what I am writing here.

What was I doing? I was opening up to demons. And thus I am here warning you. Yoga actually turns your body into an Ouija board because yoga is divination. Your intentions cannot change that the Hindu structure of yoga is entirely supernatural. It is to worship in body and join to in spirit any of those 33 million gods in order for you to achieve self-actualization, that is, salvation, which is only found in Jesus Christ.

Everything about yoga is antithetical to scripture.

You can stretch without invoking demons, dear readers. Yoga practice ain’t the way to go.

You can do breathwork by simply sitting in a quiet place by the sea or in an open space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. You can watch it and work with it.

But to make sure that the majority remains under a spell of the dupe and dope show of the mechanical animals, the press and the politicians prearrange the setup of a godjectified faux hero turned yoga and breathwork master because it’s always the one who swims first that sets the waves in motion into a loud pseudo-cheer of a pseudo-spiritual practise of bypassing spirituality in a spell where the majority is to remain duped and doped through the deceitful practise of yoga and breathwork of ‘continuous improvement’ of the Kaizen hub.

The mechanical animals of the dupe and dope show are also invited to grab some merchandise of Agius, so they are reminded how they are duped and doped in an unprecedented historical period in the history of humankind.
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