Disney and the Government (2)

“Some powerful military men have been connected to Disney films. Two former commanding officers of the USS Alabama nuclear sub were technical advisors for the Disney film Crimson Tide. Walt Disney was tied to the U.S. government, and recent disclosures show that he was tied to the FBI. Walt used his FBI connected to destroy the life of Art Babbitt, who had led the strike against Disney in 1940. Babbitt found that everything he attempted in life after the strike was ruined by some hidden power.

Was Walt part of naval intelligence attached to the FBI? Was he part of the FBI that is involved with child procurement and mind-control? In the 1950s the Illuminati began organizing covens on the west coast and began solidifying their power. (This comes from several independent sources). Likewise, it’s clear that Disney didn’t have the clout in 1953 with local governments, that it does today. Walt Disney was unsuccessful when he tried to get permission from the city of Los Angeles and the Burbank City Council for the construction of Disneyland (called Disneylandia at that time), in the Burbank area. One Burbank councilman told Walt, ‘We don’t want the carny atmosphere in Burbank.’

Inconsistently, within a few years they gave permission to Universal to build an amusement park in Burbank, which opened in 1964. Disney then asked the Stanford Research Institute to locate a spot for Dinseylandia (Disneyland), which they found at Anaheim. In recent years, Disney decided they wanted to build another amusement park (called California Adventure) across from Disneyland. In order to do so, the Interstate highway will have to have changes, and the Anaheim city council needed to approve the large 55 acre expansion. In contrast to the Burbank City Council in 1953, Anaheim’s City Council was enthusiastic about the expansion in spite of lots of local opposition. The locals complained at council meetings to the City Council that the city had no business going hundreds of millions of dollars into debt to help a corporate giant. (Anaheim will issue $400 million in bonds). Locals also raised concerns that the public school system in Anaheim is stressed to the breaking point where they are considering going to half days, and that Disney Corporation should give as much consideration for the school children of Anaheim as they do to their amusement park. Disneyland’s President Paul Pressier bragged about Disney’s new California Adventure Amusement Park:

‘Disney’s California Adventure is really a celebration of the fun, the beauty, the people and the accomplishments of this magical state. We really have set out to try to capture a bit of what the California dream is all about.’

(Sounds like the dream is to be wealthy and control people. The elite would rather give us bread and circus than education).

The Dragnet films were done in part at the Disney studios. In an office memo from the 66-new LA SAC FBI agent to Hoover (12/16/54), which was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, the typed memo states:

Mr Disney has volunteered representatives of this office complete access to the facilities of Disneyland for use in connection with official matters.’

Historically, we now know that Disney’s use for ‘official matters’ included mind-control.”

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