Disney and the Government (1)

“Just prior to World War II, the FBI recruited Walt Disney. His job was to spy on Hollywood or anything else that looked suspicious. Documents obtained from the Freedom of Information Act, in spite of heavy censoring, clearly show that Walt Disney became a paid special correspondent asset of the FBI. He reported to FBI agent E.E. Conroy.

In 1954, Walt was promoted to Special Agent in Charge (SAC) which means others reported to him. After ‘leaving’ the CIA, ex-DCI (ex-head) of the CIA William Hedgcock Webster became a lawyer for the Washington D.C. based firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadly and McCloy. In 1993, when news broke about Walt Disney’s FBI membership, ex-CIA head Webster worked with the Disney family to cover up to the public that Walt Disney was an FBI agent. Webster went on TV and had interviews to spread the fabrication that Walt was not connected to the FBI. Why? One of the countless items that Disney was involved in was the investigation into the disappearance/rape of a six-year-old child Rose Marie Riddle on 1/12/61. According to documents gotten from the Freedom of Information Act, W.G. Simon was the FBI agent who met with SAC Walt Disney in L.A. about the case. W.G. Simon has been one of those people who has been publicly lying by claiming that Walt Disney never was an FBI agent. The paper trail proves otherwise. Why is it so important to the FBI and CIA to cover up that Walt was an FBI agent? Wlat also worked for the CIA, even though documentation of that is not available. This author theorizes that the reason the FBI and CIA are so touchy about letting people know that Walt worked for the government is that the network knows how the FBI and CIA worked together to procure children for mind-control programming purposes. Because Disney and Disneyland played such an enormous role in mind-control, Disney’s connection to them, although on the sufface a seemingly minor fact, is in reality a minor fact setting on top of an enormous ghastly secret.

When W.W.II started, the government incorporated the Disney studios in the war machine. The military paid Disney $80,000 for 20 training cartoon, which cost Disney $72,000 to make. Disney studios also made some secret films for the military. Mickey Mouse and Goofy cartoons were slanted to have war themes. For instance, the Goofy cartoon of 1941 ‘The Art of Self Defense’ and ‘How to be a Sailor’ in 1944. Perhaps in honour of the contribution Disney had made to the war effort, ‘Mickey Mouse’ was the password of the allies for millions of men on the big D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944. Walt Disney produced a cartoon showing Donald Duck paying his taxes faithfully. The film was entitled ‘The New Spirit.’ It was very successful in getting Americans to comply with the IRS.

In 1946, Disney made a film for the public schols for sex education entitled ‘The Story of Menstruation.’ For the United Nations, Walt Disney created ‘It’s a small world’ attraction for UNICEF for the ’64-65 World’s Fair. This attraction was moved to the theme parks and has been a major feature for mind-control. After learning of the enormous amount of mind-control programming going on during after hours in secret tunnels at Disney as well as in the public facilities, it makes more sense why the Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev would be denied a visit to Disneyland by the U.S. government ‘due to security considerations’ when he was visiting the U.S. in September 1959. Khrushchev obviously had his own security working in tandem with American security and the intelligence people for whatever reason(s) didn’t want the complication of these Russians going to a major programming site.”

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