Disney and the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center

“Right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland is the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center, the birthplace of TEN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). The Assembly of God denomination has been heavily infiltrated by the Illuminati, and has been heavily used as a front for programmed slaves.

Paul Crouch, president of Trinity Broadcasting Systems Inc., was affiliated with Melodyland in 1973 when TBS was getting started. At that time, Melodyland was a rich, heavily infiltrated charismatic church, with its share of programmed multiples. In 1973, closet homosexual minister Jim Bakker, and his wife Tammy Faye, a programmed multiple were with Paul Crouch in Anaheim at Melodyland. Paul Crouch had been the assistant pastor of Bakker’s home church in Muskegon. Crouch’s right hand man was Alexander Valderrama, a charismatic Roman Catholic. TBS used an abandoned military base as their TV complex, using hangers as studios.

In the early ’70s, ABC put Bakker and Crouch’s early shows on their affiliate stations on Sunday morning. Bakker had already gotten his career kicked off with Illuminatus Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Jim Bakker split and went to the east coast. To help Bakker with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore came to help Bakker run his ministry’s finances. Later, televangelist Bakker began building Heritage USA, which was to be a big-money resort. Bakker hired people who had worked for Disney to construct Heritage USA. Bakker studied Disneyland, Disneyworld and other Disney places as a model for Heritage USA. After Disneyworld opened in Florida, Jim Bakker was a REGULAR visitor to it. Heritage USA’s Ft. Heritage was modelled after Disney’s Ft. Wilderness, Main St. was modelled after the Magic Kingdom’s Main St., and Disney’s wrought-iron fencing was also copied.

Most people are aware of Jim Bakker’s $265,000 payoff to Jessica Hahn to keep her sexual services to him a secret, his longtime homosexual relationship with his right hand man David Taggart, and his prison sentence. James Orson (named after Orson Welles) Bakker was from Muskegon, the same place that Cathy O’Brien, a freed mind-controlled slave came from. He was born pre-mature, and had some interesting family situations that make his family suspect. While Cathy O’Brien got programmed via the Catholics, Jim was part of another denomination which also was into programming, the charismatic Assemblies of God. His grandfather, who lived next door to Jim, and where Jim spent much childhood time with what was popularly known in town as a ‘huckster,’ and nicknamed Kingfish after the manipulative character on Amos and Andy.

Tammy, his wife, grew up in International Falls, MN, in poverty in the home of her stepfather and mother. Besides having a ‘shopping demon,’ she has had her share of phobias and mental problems, as can be expected from someone who has had to suffer through programming.

It would be worth pointing out who has come to Jim Bakker’s rescue when he was under attack. For instance, on Thursday, Oct. 4, 1984 when Jim was under attack, Jim Bakker’s show had six people give endorsements and praise of Jim Bakker. Those were Ronald Reagan, Dale Evans, Robert Schuller, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, and Rex Hubbard. Of those, this author knows for sure that all are masons, except for Rex, who may or may not be. Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, and Oral Roberts are ‘Christian ministers,’ who participate in using and handling mind-control slaves. These three ministers all participate in secret Satanic rituals.

The last few paragraphs have given only a sketchy picture of the intimate relationship between Disney mind-control and the charismatic movement and its use of trauma-based total mind-control.”

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