Disney and Mind Control (2)

America’s Most Wanted has a fairly large file on children who have been kidnapped at Disney Amusement Parks. One mother, who got separated from her child when getting off a train, frantically told a guard her child was missing. The guard took her to the monitor room, where they saw the kidnapper carrying the child out of the park with the boy slumped over his shoulder. In that short of a time, the kidnapper had drugged the child, cut his hair different, and put a different shirt on him. (This anecdote was mentioned in Inside the Mouse, p. 52.)

As written before, white slavery is part of what Disney is all about. This mother was one of the fortunate few who managed to find their kidnapped children. An insider states that the Disney police are definitely part of those moving and abusing innocent children brought in for occult rituals. In addition, the Disney security forces spy on their own employees. Employees do not enter the theme parks like the visitors, nor do they move around like the visitors. They have underground tunnels and underground entrances and facilities for that. One victim of total mind-control mentioned that a tunnel entrance was at the Matterhorn mountain at Disneyland. (The Matterhorn was opened by Walt and his good friend Richard Nixon, who rode in the first car down the mountain.)

The Disney productions have given the Illuminati the cover to bring together Illusionists, magicians, and special effects artists without anyone being suspicious. Some of these men were able to apply their talents toward programming children. As an example of their talents, Disney special effects artists were able to create 16 realistic-looking cadavers for the 1989 film Gross Anatomy.

Walt Disney Inc. has teamed up with Los Alamos and Sandia Labs, two other groups which are heavily involved in mind-control and people-control, to develop body scans, branding, and access codes for the visitors to Disney’s theme parks. Each of the Disney theme parks, such as Disneyland, Disney World, Euro Disney, etc have vast underground facilities. These underground facilities allow many of the workers to get to the ride areas via underground passages. Each theme facility also has a vast infrastructure underground in order to maintain it. The underground areas contain wardrobe design and repair units, fitting rooms, restrooms, cafeterias, security units, computers, freight ramps, utility encasements, and large connecting tunnels. The underground areas also have programming rooms. They have their own power plants and water systems and their own police force. The Disney Company employs 71,000 people at several locations; tone recent TV show used the figure of 40,000 Disney employees.”

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